Recent Question/Assignment

College of Engineering Science & Technology
Department of Computer Science & Information Systems
CSC726 Cybersecurity
Research Project – 10%
Due Week 14 – Friday 29/10/21
PART A [40marks]
Information security is a broad term encompassing the protection of information from accidental or intentional misuse by persons inside or outside an organization. Information security is the primary tool an organization can use to combat the threats associated with downtime. Cyber security refers to the protection of information systems (hardware, software and associated infrastructure), the data on them, and the services they provide, from unauthorized access, harm or misuse. This includes harm caused intentionally by the operator of the system, or accidentally, as a result of failing to follow security procedures
Write a report on your investigation of personal & business information cybersecurity threats and abuses and controls/measures/practices to protect personal/business data. Classify each threat as either perceived or real.
Part 1: identify 3 cases (one case offline & two cases online) of personal information security issues by identifying who was vulnerable, why and controls/measures/practices (safety nets) to protect personal data. Level of damage sustained [ 1-5] and why.
Part 2: identify 3 cases (one cases offline & two cases online) of business information security issues by identifying who was vulnerable, why and controls/measures/practices (safety nets) to protect business data. Level of damage sustained [1-5] and why.
Information Security Triangle
Finally include a summary table using the following template.
Case # and heading
Case Type
Vulnerable and why?
Description of
Threats & Abuses
Controls/safety net
& Measures
s Case Classificatio

n Level of damage[1-5]
{ascending Maximum}
PART B [15marks] Traditional Symmetric Ciphers [reference material- week 6 cryptography & supplementary notes]
Use additive cipher to encrypt and decrypt the following messages:
Use the keys stated:
Key: 10
Use affine cipher to encrypt and decrypt the following message:
Use the keys pairs stated:
Key: 5,3
Use play fair cipher to encrypt the following message: Use the keys stated in each:
Plaintext: NIGHT IS DARK
i. Project to be done individually. ii. Softcopy to be uploaded on web learn. Submission link will be created in due course [week 14].
iii. Report findings to be clearly/correctly referenced and acknowledged.
iv. Strictly No late submissions will be accepted and severe penalties will apply to Plagiarized & direct copy & pasted materials from www. Turnitin will be used for originality check. [30% web content accepted]