Recent Question/Assignment

Theory Assessment
CHCECE011Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
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• All answers must be written in ink and clearly legible or typed using font size 11 or 12.
UNIT: CHCECE011 Provide experiences to support children’s play and learning
• This assignment is all my own work, no part has been written for me by another person.
• No part has been copied from another person’s work except where referenced (including books, journals and the internet).
• I have a copy of this assignment which I can produce if the original is lost or damaged.
• I fully understand what I am required to do to complete these assessment tasks successfully
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Academic Pass Not Yet Satisfactory /Please Resubmit Assessor’s overall comment:
Assessor’s name & signature: Date:
This booklet contains assessment questions and activities which allow you to provide evidence toward gaining this qualification. Before you complete this assessment you should review the information in your e-book learner guide.
• Read more than just the learner guide – you can use books, journal articles, websites (not Wikipedia)
• Write in your own words – think about what you have read and then use your words to explain what you have learned.
• Never copy and paste – this is not your own work and is a serious form of cheating called plagiarism.
• If you are unsure what the question means, ask your trainer.
You must complete all activities in the assessment to the required standard. This will contribute to a final assessment of competence, which includes this theory assessment and further performance evidence, for example a work placement or simulated tasks in the classroom. The assessor will explain clearly the required performance standards.
When you have finished ALL the assessment tasks, complete the form on the front of the booklet and then submit it by email to
Your trainer will give you feedback and you may be given an Academic Pass, or Not Yet Satisfactory. If you are Not Yet Satisfactory you will have an opportunity to resubmit the assessment to be reassessed.
Academic Pass Participants whose answers predominantly display competent knowledge and skills related to the assessment of the unit. All assessments components of the unit are required to have been assessed as satisfactory to achieve an overall academic competency of the unit.
Not Yet Satisfactory / Please Resubmit Participants whose answers display a lack of understanding, skills and knowledge related to specific assessments of the unit will be considered Not Yet Satisfactory for that assessment/ assignment of the unit. Participants will be required to resubmit that assessment again to achieve a satisfactory result.
Plagiarism is a serious academic misconduct. It is taking someone else’s thoughts, writing or inventions and representing them as your own. Plagiarism may result in failure or exclusion from a course. Plagiarism is:
• presenting work by another person as your own work, whether intentionally or unintentionally;
• handing in assessments which are markedly similar to or copied from another student; and/or
• submitting assessments without adequate acknowledgement of the sources used i.e. without referencing.
• inadequate acknowledgement of the sources used i.e. without referencing.
Tips to avoid plagiarism – ‘Be sure to write it in your own words’.
Original version
My parents impressed on me the values that you work hard for what you want in life
Plagiarised version
My parents taught me to that you work hard for what you want in life
Acceptable version
Growing up, my parents showed me the importance of a good work ethic
Assessment – answer all questions
Please type in your answers (IN YOUR OWN WORDS) in the spaces provided
1. What can children learn through play?
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Assessors comment:
2. How can Educators create an effective play environment for children in your care?
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Assessors comment:
3. How can you physically change play areas to make them more interesting and inviting for children?
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4. List 5 safety issues that should be taken into consideration when setting up an environment in a way that is safe, non-threatening, challenging and stimulating
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Assessors comment:
5. Why is it important to change the resources and toys on a regular basis?
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6. Why is it important for educators to supervise the play of children?
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7. Why is it important for educators to include children in discussions about play and their learning environment?
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8. List six (6) rights a child has in relation to “The Convention on the Rights of the Child”
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Assessor Comments:
9. Why is it important for Educators to view children as active participants and decisionmakers in their play and learning?
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10. How can educators use routines to undertake intentional teaching? Provide one example
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11. Tania, aged 3yrs is struggling to complete a puzzle. What would you say and do in this situation to support her and explain why?
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12. List 3 ways an educator can promote the active participation of all children in an activity.
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13. How can you show children that you are interested in them?
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14. Explain how you would demonstrate respect for children’s choice not to participate in a particular activity
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15. Why is it important for the child to invite the carer to participate in the activity and on other occasions for the educator to initiate play?
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16. List 5 areas which need to be considered when providing activities for children that will address their individual needs.
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Assessors comment:
17. Why is it important to provide opportunities for group and individual play? Provide examples of each.
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18. Why is it important to provide opportunities for indoor and outdoor play? Provide examples of each.
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19. How does the physical environment contribute to and foster children's development and learning?
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20. Why is it important to ensure each child remains interested, challenged but not frustrated
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21. Select two materials/ resources and explain how they can be used flexibly to meet children’s individual preferences
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Assessors comment:
22. Answer True or False
Educator should ensure that all Indoor, outdoor, group and individual play experiences are unhurried and enjoyable for children. TRUE / FALSE
A play environment should be non-threatening, challenging, stimulating and promotes a sense of belonging TRUE / FALSE
When planning and implementing play experiences, Educators do not have to adhere to organisational standards, policies and procedures TRUE / FALSE
Play is an important part of children’s development. TRUE / FALSE
Assessors comment:
23. What is meant by the term ‘Reflective Practices’ and why it is important when providing experiences to support children’s play and learning?
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Assessors comment:
24. Complete the following table
Chapter Element EYLF Outcome, NQS and Regulations
Create an environment for play
Support children’s play and learning
Facilitate children’s play, learning and physical activity
Assessors comment:
25. Why is it important to monitor the play of the children?
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26. Should children be encouraged to invite other children to play with them? Explain your reasons
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27. How would you encourage active outdoor play?
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28. List the eight (8) pedagogical practices of the EYLF or MYOP framework used when providing experiences to support children’s play and learning.
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Assessors comment:
29. List 10 creative resources that Educators can provide for children’s play
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30. Case Scenario 1
It is almost lunchtime and 3year old Timmy who is new to the service looks worried as the children begin to pack up around him. Timmy is confused and unsure of what is happening. How can you support
Timmy through the packing up to lunchtime transition time?
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31. Case Scenario 2
Harvey and Kate (both aged 4 years) have built a bird-spotting den in a corner of the outdoor area. They invite you to join them and tell you that they are looking for a special bird.
a. Would you join in – explain your reasons
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b. How will you show genuine interest and enthusiasm in what they are doing?
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c. How will you support and extend on their learning in this situation?
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Assessors comment:
32. Conduct an internet search on Mildred Parten’s stages of play. From your research, you are required to write a summary about the stages of play
(minimum 200 words)
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33. Match each type of play to the correct play description
Type of play Play description
Solitary play Children begin to truly play with others. They share play materials but may be following their own storyline.
Parallel play A part of cooperative play that involves winners and losers. These games involve child-controlled rules and are not the same as competitive games, like sports. These games show an understanding of the social rules in our culture
Associative play Children play alone, with their own toys. They do not get close to or interact with other children. Solitary play should be encouraged because it builds skills for working independently
Cooperative play Children continue to play on their own, but they are beside children and may be using the same toys.
Games with rules When a child watches other children playing but makes no attempt to join in.
Onlooker Play The highest level of social play where children play in groups and everyone is cooperating to achieve a common goal. This type of play involves negotiation among children. This happens when children change
“roles” in the play and/or take turns making suggestions about the plot
Assessors comment:
34. You are an Educator in the preschool room and your room’s current focus on following room routines and safety.
You invite the children to join a whole group time experience before lunch. You have decided to use this time as an opportunity to discuss the room routines and the different guidelines we
should follow to ensure we remain safe when play in both the indoor and outdoor areas.
At rest time, you reflect on the group time experiences with your team leader when you suggest that you would like to develop cue cards to use with the children as a visual reminder of routines time and safety guidelines.
You team leader agrees and has suggests that you develop a set of eight (8) cue cards to be used by Educators throughout the day.
In the boxes below you are required to design a set of different cue cards relating to room routines and/or safety guidelines The first one has been provided to guide you.
You can choose to use the boxes below to insert or hand draw your pictures. Alternatively you can provide a separate word document and attach to your assessment.
Keep the sand low so it doesn’t get in our eyes
Assessors comment:
You have now completed the written assessment!
Training Evaluation Form
1) Overall how would you rate your training?
Excellent Good Fair Poor
2) Please rate the following aspects of the trainer/contact person
3) Please rate the following aspects of the trainer/contact person
Strongly Agree Agree Fair Strongly Disagree n/a
Resources provided is easy to understand
The learner guide is useful
The length and amount of the resources is adequate
The information matched what I am learning
4) What are the three most important things you learned from this unit/subject?
a) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Good Fair Poor n/a
Support received for my studies is:
The communication is:
The standard of support and assistance is:
Feedback for your assessment is:
b) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
c) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
5) Any other suggestions or comments to help us improve distant/workbook training?
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------