Recent Question/Assignment

Can you help me with my assignment in C programming by using MinGW to screenshot of the output? I only need section -A- question -1,2,3-. Note that I do not need section -B-.

Developing Technical Software Assignment 1(25Marks)
Due date is 25th November 2020 23:59hrs
You will have to demonstrate/explain/modify your work to your COS10007 teacher, if you are absent/unavailable or fail to demonstrate properly, zero marks will be awarded.
Please note, this is an individual task and it will be checked for plagiarism. All the involved parties will be penalised if any plagiarism is found.
Please visit for more details.
1. There are two sections A & B: You should answer either Section A or Section B.
Section A contains 3 questions. Q1 is for 10 marks, Q2 is for 7 marks, and Q3 is for 8 marks. The total assignment is for 25 marks and refer to the detailed rubric given in Assignment page for mark allocation.
Section B contains 1 question and carries 25 marks. Refer to the detailed rubric given at the end of this document for mark allocation.
2. Submit one-word document. Use the following format to prepare the word document
a. Question No. (No need to copy and paste question)
b. C program - copy and paste your c program (not the screenshot of the code)
c. Screenshot of the output
3. Use only .doc, .docx extensions – no other format will be accepted for marking.
4. Marks will be given for proper indentation and comments.
5. Assignment Demonstration is mandatory.
Section A
Question 1 (10 Marks)
Students’ grade details in a semester are kept in a text file. The data for each student contains name of the student, student Id, name of course, number of units and marks for these units. Each student is doing a different number of units in that semester, the maximum number of units that a student can do is limited to 4. A small segment of the grade book data might look like the following.
Use the following self-referential structure for this problem.
struct person_tag{
char name[20];
char id[10];
struct course_tag{
char course_name[20]; int no_of_units; int marks[4];
float avg;
struct student_tag{
struct person_tag student_info; struct course_tag course_info;
struct student_tag *next;
You have to create a LinkedList using the above self-referential structure and read the contents of the text file into LinkedList. Each node of the LinkedList contains details of one student. Implement all functionalities mentioned below:
The main()function handles all interactions with the user and other functions:
• It displays an appropriate welcome message introducing the program.
• Calls a function named read_file()which opens a text file students.txt(a sample text file is shown above) for reading and storing all of the students details from the file to a LinkedList in order of name (insertion should happen in alphabetical order). The students.txt contains name of student (name), student id (id), course name (course_name), number of units
(no_of_units), marks for these units (marks[4]). Maximum number of units limited to 4. Calculation of average mark and assignment of average to avg element of the structure can be done in this read_file itself (you are free to write a separate function for this purpose).
• It then repeatedly calls the menu()function to display user options, get the user selection returned by the menu() function, use a switch (or if ..else
if) statement to process user request by calling appropriate function(s).
• It displays the result with an appropriate message after processing user request.
• It displays a goodbye message when the user selects the Quit option from the menu and terminates the program.
The menu()function has no parameters. When called, it displays a menu of 6 options allowing the user to select one and returns this option to the calling main()function. The options displayed should be: (1) Display students’ details
(2) Search for a student’s mark
(3) Find the details of student with the largest average
(4) Find the details of failed students
(5) Add new student to the record
(6) Quit program
• Option (1) will use a function called display_students()called from the main()to display the contents of the LinkedList on the screen in an appropriate format.
• Option (2) will use a function called search_student()which is designed to search for a student. Display all the details of that student, if no such student is found report it back to the user.
• Option (3) will use a function called find_maximum()which is designed to find the details of student having the largest average marks in the LinkedList. Display all the details of that student.
• Option (4) will use a function called find_failed()which is to find the students who received a fail grade (student with a mark less than 50) for at least one unit. Display all the details of these students.
• Option (5) will first use a function called update_file()which will open the same text file in append mode, prompt the user for new student’s name, id, course name, number of units and marks, and then write the new data at the end of the file using the same format as the original file. It will then the call the read_file()function used in the beginning of the program again to read the contents of the updated file and repopulate the LinkedList. Call the display function again to show the students’ details on screen.
• Option (6) will terminate the program after displaying an appropriate goodbye message.
Question 2 (7 Marks)
Create a linked list using the following structure
struct studentID {
int value;
struct studentID *next;
typedef struct studentID STUDENTID; typedef STUDENTID * STUDENTIDPtr;
Use the above structure definition and create a linked list with 5 nodes. (No functions or loops to be used for the creation of the nodes).
Step-1 - Fill List
Use the last five digits of your student id as the values for the 5 nodes of the linked list. The value of each node will contain one digit from your student id.
For example, if your student ID is 1001245345, take the last five digits – 45345, so the insertion order is
newptr=……..malloc(STUDENTID); newptr- value=4; .
Step 2: Write a displayList function to print the nodes on the screen.
Question 3 (8 Marks)
Use the following structure for Question 3.
struct Bus{
int BusID; //unique value. Example: 1 int RouteID;//unique value. Example: 1001
time_t schedule; //Scheduled departure time
Declare an array of Bus structure named Depot of size 10.
Implement the following requirements using C program
1. Function createBuses – create 10 buses and store them in the Depot array. BusID and RouteID to be filled with random integer values. Schedule to be left blank.
2. Function printBuses – print the details of all the buses in the Depot array
3. Function scheduleBuses – the departure time for each bus to be filled. Refer to the sample code.
4. Function alignupBuses – buses to be rearranged in the Depot array based on each buses schedule. The earliest scheduled bus to be placed at the bottom of the Depot array.
5. Function releaseBus - release one bus at a time from the Depot based on the schedule. Bus with the earliest schedule should leave the Depot first.
6. Function emergency – release one bus at a time from the Depot, with the last scheduled bus to leave the Depot array first.
Using the above functions, implement a menu driven program where
a. Function createBuses – can be called only once and to be involved first.
b. Function scheduleBuses – can be invoked only after createBuses.
c. Function alignupBuses – can be invoked only after scheduleBuses.
d. Function printBuses – can be called any number of times and can only be invoked after createBuses
e. Functions releaseBus & emergency – can be called any number of times and in any order. Can be invoked after alignupBuses.
f. Functions – releaseBus & emergency – to print appropriate message when the Depot arrays becomes empty.
Note: You are expected to use
(i) Stack concept to implement emergency function
(ii) Queue concept to implement releaseBus function
You may use the following structure to create stack and queue for emergency and releaseBus functions.
struct Qstack
{ int BusID; int RouteID; time_t schedule; struct Qstack *next;
Functions emergency and releaseBus interact with the same list.