Recent Question/Assignment

Assessrnent iterr• 3 - Rational Argurnents
Length: 2000 vvords
This assessment has tvvo tasks as described below
Task I (8 % D: Argunment Visualisation
In Task 1 you xvi11 create a sin•ple argumnent visualisation using the NTindMup softvvare and you will produce a report in Task 2, which details the argurnent you construct in your argunment visualisation-
Choose ONE Of the followring rmedia articles or case studies:
1. CO VID- 19 and the privacy problern
2. Cars are regulated for safety — not inforn•ation technology?
3. Artificial Intelligence- CC) VID-19 and the tension between privacy and securitv
4. NIassive shift to rer-note learning prornpts Big Data privacy concerns
5. WV ar rmachines: DOD's ethical principles for battlefield Al
Nove followe the instructions given belove to cornplete the assessrnent task:
Use the title of the article/case study as the title of your argur-nent visualisation so that the lecturer knov•vs Mihich article you are analysing.
Undertake fUrther research about your chosen case and the ethical issue involved, to assist you in analysing it in your argurnent visualisation (and in your report in Task 2).
Identify sorne logical argurnents and construct an argument visualisation using Mind(V1up softvvare. Your visualisation should contain the conclusion, and all of the reasons and objections leading to that conclusion.
Your argurnent visualisation should present a logical argurnent for your subsequent report in Task 2. Your report will develop these arguments based on a deeper analysis of the ethical issue(s).
Your report should contain all of the argurnents contained in your visualisation, and you should not introduce nevv arguments in your report that are not in your visualisation.
VVhen you have cornpleted your visualisation, dovvnload it as a -pdf file and subrnit via Turnitin.
You are not. required provide references in your visualisation, your subsequent report in Task 2 Should. be rully
h t t p s : // . p. c co ri al gu t — v i su al i z.ati o n. IA ? o vi
Philosophy (argunment visual isation inrorrnation) — t t ps s . s I I . o v or-rue
Task 2 (17%): Applying Ethical Theor-ies
Vur rite a report based on your areVt-nent visualisation create in Xask 1 and the coedia article or
Or•dertake further research about your chosen case and the ethical issue involved, to assist you in analysing and discussing it in your report.
Analyse the ethical issue applying the classical ethical theories, including utilitarianisrn, deontology. contract, and virtue. Your report should present vvell—reasoned argurnents, logically leading to appropriate recornrnendations,
You should not introduce nevu• argurnents in vour report that v•.zere not contained in •y'OUr areurnent visualisation. and your report should contain all Of the areurnents contained in your visualisation.
VVrite an overall co nclusion that justifies your dations rnade in your report.
Include a Reference list at the end Of Vour vo•ork, using the correct APA referencing style, corresponding to in—text citations. -rhe vvord lirnit for the report is 2000 vvords
Headings, citations. references and appendices do not count to vvards the vu•ord lirnitk but quotations do.
Please use the temnplate provided in WI-me subject Tm-rtem-act site your report.
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be able to assess the ir-nplications Of ethical probierns be able to critically evaluate solutions to ethical problerns be able to apply ethical theories to ethical problerns.
be able to argue consistently and about the r•noral issues raised by the adoption and use Of I CT.
be able to analyse ethical situations using critical thinking techniques.
This assessment extends the skills practiced in Assessment items I and 2, to help you to achieve majority of the learning objectives of this subject.
In addition to identifying a contentious situation in ICT and dissecting the argument(s) about it, you must also now demonstrate the ability to evaluate the elements of the argument by applying classical ethical theories, where appropriate.
Since Assessment item I and 2, your knowledge will have grown, and you will now realise that almost all ICT ethical dilemmas can be classified under one of the main ICT ethical issues that are discussed in this subject; for instance, surveillance is a sub-issue of privacy, harmful software is a sub-issue of ICT professionalism, and piracy is a sub-issue of intellectual property.
In ICT, the main ethical issues are taken to be:
ICT professionalism
Intellectual property
Regulation on the internet
Social inclusion
Community and identity
Pervasive and convergent computing.
The assessment item is designed to help you to build skills towards achieving the learning objectives, by requiring you to:
identify an ICT-related ethical issue from a media article or case study;
apply classical ethical theory to the analysis of an ethical dilemma to determine the rightness or wrongness of actions/decisions made therein;
derive logical and justifiable conclusions to resolve the ethical issue(s);and,
present the argument in a visual format.