Recent Question/Assignment

This assignment examines roles and responsibilities nurses have in relation making decisions about practice aiming to keep patients safe in Australian healthcare. As a core skill for a nurses reflection is a conscious effort to think systematically about an activity or incident that allows us to consider what was positive or challenging and if appropriate plan how it might be enhanced, improved or done differently in the future.
Part 1 – Report (1000) 20marks
Registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives are responsible for making professional judgements about when an activity is within their scope of practice and, when it is not, for initiating consultation and collaboration with, or referral to, other members of the healthcare team.
1. Identify and critically discuss the factors that may have contributed to Josie King’s death? Within the discussion focus on the registered nurses’ values and attitudes impact on the RNs responsibilities in keeping patients safe.
2. When discussing the factors identified in point 1, apply the NMBA Registered nurses’ standards and discuss the responsibilities of the RN that prevents events such as Josie’s death.
Here is the youtube link
Part 2 – Reflect (500) 10marks
1. Write a reflection on how Josie’s story impacts you and your future role as a registered nurse in safeguarding patient care. Focus on what challenges you in partnering with patients so they feel respected and included in decisions about their health care. Ensure your reflection is linked to and flows logically from issues and practice principles raised in part 1.
* You are expected support all sections of this paper with quality references applicable to the Australian