Recent Question/Assignment

2803NRS Acute Nursing Practice
Written Assignment- Trimester 1 2020
o The risk factors and pathophysiology that have led to John Grants presentation are as followed: it is shown that osteoarthritis
Discusses the risk factors and pathophysiology that have led to the presenting patient condition.
o Diabetes
o Hyperlipidemia
o Depression
o Hypertension
o Angina ?
o Relux?
? Discusses TWO (2) comprehensive post-operative assessments that an RN would undertake for the patient. (10) ? Provides a rationale for each assessment relating to the patient condition (5) and justifies why the assessment is necessary with current evidence-based literature. (5)
Vascular Observations
Dressing exudate- wound assessment
? Discusses ONE (1) potential complication (either pulmonary embolism OR post-operative wound infection), including the development and risk factors of the complication itself (10) and ONE (1) nursing assessment used to identify the complication. (5)
? Develops a plan of care addressing how to reduce the chosen potential complication (either pulmonary embolism OR post-operative wound infection). (10)
? Uses current evidence-based literature to justify why the plan is appropriate for this patient. (5)
Post op wound infection- diabetic, wound assessment, wound nurse,