Recent Question/Assignment

MNG03218 Managing Information Systems
Online Live Session 1, S3 2019
Jun XU
SBaT, Southern Cross University
7pm (NSW Time) 21 November 2019

? Some Points regarding Ass 1 (Jun)
? Questions & Answers (Jun & All the
? We shall speak about the assignment requirements and
offer suggestions in this session.
? If you have questions after this session, please post
your questions on the specific Discussion Board forum
for Assignment 1 where it will be answered for the
benefit of all students.

Assignment 1 Overview
· Individual Research Report
· Weight 25% - 25 marks
· 2,500 words
· Due Thursday 5 December 2019
· Assessment Criteria
· Content (20 marks)
· Research & Referencing (3 marks)
· Communication & Presentation (2 marks)

? Prepare a report that critically discusses how organisations apply the
strategic use of IS/IT to achieve IS/IT-enabled innovation.
? Apply relevant knowledge discussed in this unit (e.g., Topic 2).
? Prepare for this assignment by reviewing the literature (i.e., by using
ProQuest 5000 and Science Direct databases available at SCU library)
and searching the World Wide Web (i.e. via Google).
? Students need to show evidence that you have read and cited at least 10
references, which must be published after January 2013, in the literature
(including references from academic and professional publications) to
prepare this assignment. If you have not cited a reference in the paper,
then it cannot be listed in the Reference List.
? A variety of references are expected including books, refereed journals,
newspapers, magazines and electronic references.

Definition of IS/IT Enabled Innovation for
Assignment 1
? For Assignment 1, a broad definition of IS/IT
enabled innovation is adopted:
? “IS/IT enabled Innovation is IS/IT
enabled improved products/services,
processes, systems for improving an
organization’s performance and/or
enhancing (or creating) its
competitive advantages, and/or
supporting its strategic goals.”

? Have a clear structure, e.g., Cover Page, Table of Contents,
Introduction, Discussion for Q1, Discussion for Q2, Discussion for Q3,
Discussion for Q4, Conclusions, Reference List (Harvard referencing
format), Appendix (if necessary).
? If you have more to say, you can have more than 2,500 words (i.e.,
minimum 2,500 words); but your report should not be too long and
Quality carries much more weights than quantity. It is not
necessary to have equal length for the questions. If it is necessary,
you can put your detailed discussion into appendix.
? Use Diagrams and Tables to enhance your discussion.
? Professionally formatted and presented. Please use a Spell-checker
and grammar-checker on all assignments
? Harvard referencing style is to be used. The format is in-text
citations and a Reference list. The Harvard referencing style
does NOT use footnotes.

? Q1: Critically discuss at least 4 examples of
organisational attempts at achieving IS/IT
enabled innovation.
? Present (with ample in-text citations) at least 4
examples of using IS/IT for innovation by 4 entities.
? Students need to clearly present the key information
of the cases, including purposes (e.g., using IS/IT
enabled innovation for new products/services, better
business processes), process/journey (e.g., the
process they have gone through), and outcomes (e.g.,
successful or not).

Assignment 1 Questions (2)
? Q2: Critically discuss the success factors and
lessons learned - Highlight some success factors for
the successful examples and lessons learned (i.e.,
what went wrong) for your unsuccessful examples.
? Clearly indicate success factors (what worked) and lessons
learned (what factors attributed to what went wrong).
? Clearly highlight key factors before further explanation.
? Present good explanation of identified factors.
? It is better to have separate sections to discuss success
factors and lessons learned

Assignment Questions (3)
? Q3: Critically discuss the impacts of internal and
external factors on the success (or the failure) of the
IS/IT enabled innovation
? Internal factors could include organizational (e.g., culture, structure,
processes, size, industry, products & services), individual, and
management factors
? External factors could include market, industry, social, economic,
technological and political/policy factors
? Are Internal factors more important than External factors? Or the
other way around?
? Some identified factors from your chosen cases will be used and
other relevant factors from the literature and your experience should
be brought in as well. These identified factors should pertain to your
chosen cases. Generic factors should be avoided in your discussion.

Assignment Questions (4)
? Q4: Suggest recommendations and guidelines for
helping organizations succeed in their efforts of
embarking on using IS/IT for innovation with good
explanation and discussion:
? Clearly spell out your suggestions before further explanation!
? Good explanation and justification for your
? Recommendations should be built on your previous discussion,
best practices identified in the literature, and your own
? Recommendations are for using IS/IT for innovation in any
organization not for any particular case(s) cited in your Ass 1.

Some Literature Search Key Words:
· Information Systems (IS) and Innovation Or Information
Technology (IT) and Innovation
· IS for Innovation Or IT for Innovation
· Cases (or Case Studies) for IS (or IT) for (or and) Innovation
· You need to narrow down the research results by focusing on certain
things (e.g., firms, industries, products & services, sizes, systems &
technologies, regions, countries, markets).
· It is best to use Advanced Search functions in Proquest 5000 and Science
Direct Databases (via SCU Library portal)
· You might also use Google (or Advanced Google) to identify some
interested cases and then look for more detailed information in databases.
· Remember: A single reference may not provide all the required information
for a selected case. So students will need to research information from
various sources for each selected case.