Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment 3
Assessment type: Written Thesis – Group report - 5000 – 7000 words excluding title page, reference list and attachments.
Note: While this appears to be a large assessment, much of the content will have already been completed in either BUS707 Applied Business Research or as Assessment 1 of this subject.
Purpose: This assessment is designed to allow students to implement the research proposed in the Research Proposal developed in BUS707 Applied Business Research, collect and analyse data, and draw conclusions and make recommendations if relevant. Students will communicate their research in a professionally presented document. This assessment relates to learning outcomes a, b and c.
Value: 60% Due: Week 11, Midnight 12:00pm Thursday.
Submission: Upload a soft copy to Moodle and Turnitin via Moodle links.
Task Details: Conduct the research, present findings and draw conclusions. Communicate all information in a written thesis of 5000 – 7000 words.
Using the refined and tested data collection method(s) identified in Assessment 1, students will collect and analyse data. Draw conclusions and make recommendations if relevant regarding the implications for the research question(s), and identify future directions. Students should make any recommended adjustments to the data collection method(s) refined and tested in Assessment 1, based on feedback provided, prior to including it in this assessment.
The Research Proposal from BUS707, with relevant revisions based on feedback provided, will form Sections 2 to 6 inclusive of your final written thesis. Assessment 1 (summarised) will form part of Section 7 of your thesis.
The thesis will contain the following information:
1 Title Page: including a title (short and explanatory) and the student (author’s) details;
2 Abstract: A brief summary or overview of the research proposal explains precisely what the research is about. It must be clear, succinct and understandable to experts and lay readers;
3 The research problem (Research Proposal from BUS707 revised if necessary): This section discusses the problem or question the project seeks to answer and how the research contributes to its clarification. This section should include an hypothesis, a central and /or set of subsidiary questions;
4 Background (Research Proposal from BUS707 revised if necessary): This section clarifies the significance of the research and describes the broader historical, theoretical, social and intellectual background and context. A discussion of relevant ethical considerations should be included;
5 Literature Review (Research Proposal from BUS707 enhanced as required): A directed search of published works, including periodicals and books that discuss theory and present empirical results relevant to the topic. The literature review is used to determine whether or not others may have addressed the same research problem(s).
6 Aims/Objectives of the Research (Research Proposal from BUS707revised if necessary):: A formal statement the research objectives. This statement delineates the type of research that is needed and what intelligence may result that would allow the decision maker to make informed choices.
7 Research design (methodology/methods) (Assessment 1 summarised and revised as required based on feedback): describes research methodology and method(s) that are proposed and fully justifies their use. It will include details of sample size, data collection and analysis methods proposed. This section may also describe the theoretical or conceptual approach of the study.
8 Analysis of data collected: The full set of data collected should be available as a supporting document. This section may summarise the most important data. Analysis should identify any
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trends and any anomalies.
9 Conclusion and Recommendations: An explanation of what your findings mean for your research question, plus any recommendations for future application of the topic research if relevant. In general, there should be no new information presented here. It should be a synthesis of information that you’ve already discussed.
10 Future Directions: A brief explanation of the next logical steps to increase knowledge relating to the question(s) posed.
11 Reference List: Formatted using Harvard (Anglia) style.
The report should be professionally presented using: appropriate headings and subheadings; Arial 10 pt or Times New Roman 12 pt, single spaced; Harvard (Anglia) style referencing.
Marking Guide: The following guide will be used and the total mark scaled to a mark out of 60.