Recent Question/Assignment

Written Tasks 1
1.1 Aden was contracted recently by ABC Inc in order to upgrade their entire network for next generation network (NGN) capabilities. Currently their system provides Voice Telephony, Data, and Multimedia services. They have public Wi-Fi hotspots as well and would like their employees to be able to securely access confidential data through them. For that purpose, Aden proposed using a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
What is the NGN and why is it important? Explain it briefly. What changes, if any, would Aden need to make in order to get the job done? Briefly explain those services, and whether Aden made a good choice or not.
(explain common client telecommunications applications and related equipment)
1.2 During a project for XYZ International John realises that the company would save more money by switching to a different carrier network. After getting the approval he contacts a few providers who explain what XYZ’s responsibilities would be in the entire process which include connectivity equipment. To reduce the equipment costs John decides he will have to procure the equipment himself rather than have the carrier provide them.
What devices would John have to consider? What purpose do they serve? Does the type of internet service matter?
(identify and critique connections to carrier infrastructure or equipment)
1.3 During the initial meeting between Miranda and her client for a new telecommunications project, the client kept mentioning how the budget is limited and they are looking for “cost-effective” solutions. This is Miranda’s first project, so she decided to be cautious and do some research. She asks you, her co-worker, for help understanding how she should tackle her problem.
What would you say to her?
(describe cost-effective solutions in planning)
1.4 During the planning phase for her project, Samantha realised she forgot the first step involved with any project which was to consult the relevant legislation, codes, regulations and standards applicable to the project. Luckily, she had not done too much work and could just make the necessary changes rather than start all over.
Identify and explain the major legislation, codes of practice, regulations and standards relating to telecommunications projects in Australia that Samantha should consider.
(identify and explore current legislation relating to installation of telecommunications equipment and connection to carrier services)
1.5 Edward was hired as a project manager by XYZ International to overhaul their entire network to make it NGN ready. One of his tasks involve setting up a new connection to Optus, an internet service provider (ISP) in Australia.
While speaking to a representative of Optus, Edward is asked about the client premises equipment. He was surprised to hear the term and, due to his lack of knowledge, rescheduled a call later. How would you explain client premises equipment to him? Are there any specific pieces of equipment he should know about for his project?
(review the range of client premises equipment (CPE))
1.6 During a department head meeting for Smith Ltd., the CEO reviews a report on their carbon footprint. It’s come to the board’s attention that Smith Ltd. may face legal repercussions if they don’t do anything to get it under control.
According to various reports of their company, a fairly large portion, approximately 30% of their energy usage is due to the ICT department. The head of ICT explains that most of the machines are required to run 24/7 otherwise it would lead to huge losses in revenue.
This meeting takes place nearly a week before a scheduled project to update their entire system for which you were hired as a project manager. Your client mentions the meeting and explains that this should be the top priority. What options would you consider?
(outline environmental impacts and options for green information and communications technology (ICT) installations)
1.7 Charley starts a project with IJK Communications to do a complete overhaul of their network. Their current network is too slow and highly susceptible to network failures which causes them to lose a lot of money. For that purpose, they asked Charley to start over from scratch. They have approximately 3 buildings which will need to be connected using a fibre optics cables, each building will have multiple floors where each floor will be a separate subnetwork.
Charley is given 24 hours to come up with a list of equipment along with how he could ensure network traffic security. What would he include in that list, and what are they used for?
(review network and transmission equipment)
1.8 Within IJK, Charley proposed the list of devices and now needs to determine how the devices within the networks themselves will be connected. He will also need to justify why he chose the method that he did in terms of cost, and availability.
What different methods would Charley consider for connecting hardware? What are interfaces and what is their importance?
Are there any special considerations to be made when connecting multiple networks together?
(explain network topologies, and interface and interconnection solutions)
1.9 Samantha is working with a telecommunications network provider to make them ready for the next generation networking. Before she went to the actual sites, she’s reminded to keep an eye out for any potential threats to health and safety of the workers and technicians who will be involved in this project.
What are some things she should look out for?
(outline work health and safety (WHS) issues that are required to be included in the design brief)
1.10 Charley’s POC from IJK Communications approaches him with some questions. He informs Charley that although the things he’s planning will stay within a proper budget they are concerned about operation and maintenance costs. One of the factors for maintenance cost being the safety requirements for not only the workers involved but the equipment as well.
For that purpose, the POC asks for an estimate of the cost of operation and any special requirements that may be involved. What should Charley do?
(review the power requirements and electrical safety of the project)
1.11 Another issue brought to Charley’s attention by his POC at IJK Communications was the new telephones. Again, although it is within the budget, they can’t understand the need for new telephones when they already have ones that work perfectly fine.
Charley explains that one of the project requirements was to upgrade all the hardware to make it a next gen network (NGN) and how the old telephones were outdated and needed to be replaced. Similarly, the upgrades made to their network would allow them to add additional services without making any changes to the network architecture.
In the next meeting Charley decides to explain what NGN is. What would he say?
(explain technology of next generation networks (NGN))
1.12 As the work nears completion Charley finds that the company does not have any tools or equipment to test various aspects of the network. This includes testing network stability and performance under heavy network load or testing physical components.
What tools exist for the purpose of testing the network and what are they used for?
(identify test equipment types)

Case Study 2
Read the case study carefully then answer the questions following. You may assume any information that has not been mentioned in the case study, however any assumptions you make must be clearly identified as assumptions.
Case Study: Cloudstore
You’ve been hired by CloudStore, a new cloud data storage company which is hoping to make its debut after 12 months. The location is a breezy coastal area in the Northern Territory of Australia.
In keeping with the trend of going green, CloudStore promised investors that they will have a very low carbon footprint and will use green solutions whenever possible.
Arriving on site, you meet with your Point of Contact (PoC) Jennifer, in her office. She explains the importance of being eco-friendly to CloudStore, but at the same time they would like to keep things as cost-effective as possible. Seeing the opportunity, you ask how CloudStore defines “cost-effectiveness”, according to her it means to keep operation and maintenance costs as low as possible.
Afterwards she introduces you to the head of ICT, Manuel, who explains what they’re looking for. They already have their website made and just need to connect the backend to actual hardware. When new users create their profiles, they need to be allotted a certain amount of space for a free account and will pay a subscription fee for each additional 10 GB of data. Of course, security is key to their entire set up, so you’ll need to focus heavily on that. Afterwards the data within their allotted storage space will only be accessible to the user after logging in, either through the web interface or their app, which can be accessed via phone or computer. For that reason, everything will be packet-based, but they would like to leave room for additional services, if the need arises.
You may consult with Jennifer when you require any site access, and you may speak to Manuel at any time for any technical help. Once you’ve absorbed the necessary information Jennifer shows you to your office where you begin your work.
2.1 Before you can begin you need to determine what laws, rules and regulations might impact the project. This is to protect not only you but the company you work for. Identify what would you refer to for this form of information and explain what aspects of the project or company you would need to research further.
(assess the implications of legislation, regulations and standards on project design)
2.2 Based on the information provided to you up to this point, what are viable solutions to the networking requirements? Try to think of more than one. Explain how they relate to the requirements.
(analyse the network and enterprise needs to determine design options)

2.3 Now that you have some design options in mind, you need to review them to select the one that you will recommend. How will you determine which solution to recommend?
(consult widely to ensure design represents client requirements)
2.4 Once you have decided on a plan of action the next step is to prepare the design brief. In your own words, explain what will be included in this brief and what is its significance.
(prepare a design brief for building and equipment design provisioning)

2.5 At this stage of your project you should have completed the network diagrams, and draft copies of the documentation which include field information, as well as information regarding required equipment, equipment layout, if any changes need to be made to the building layout, how the current design meets company requirements, and any additional information that would be required for the actual work.
What steps do you take from here that will allow you to complete the Project Brief? What additional information should be included into the documentation?
(prepare detailed design documentation to enable realisation of design.)
Case Study 3
Read the case study carefully then answer the questions following. You may assume any information that has not been mentioned in the case study, however any assumptions you make must be clearly identified as assumptions.
Case Study: KPMG
KPMG is a global network of professional services firms with a significant presence in Australia.
It provides audit, tax and advisory services for a variety of sectors. As part of its commitment to
corporate citizenship and reducing its environment impact, the organisation joined CitySwitch in 2015.
KPMG International is a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact and KPMG Australia is
a founding member of the UNGC Network Australia. KPMG Australia is committed to:
• supporting a precautionary approach to environmental challenges
• undertaking initiatives to promote greater environmental responsibility
• encouraging the development of environmentally friendly technologies.
Since 2010, KPMG Australia has achieved energy savings (CO2e tonnes) of 35%, a reduction in paper use by 57%, increased recycling rates from 42% to 78% and decreased waste to landfill by 68%. Whilst some improvements have been ‘built in’, much of it relies on behaviour change and embedding a culture of sustainability throughout the organisation.
Kaushik Sridhar, Corporate Citizenship Manager at KPMG Australia notes that “A catalyst is required to create organisational change”. In this case it was a combination of increased client enquiries on sustainability credentials, seeing sustainability as ‘good business sense’, and a tremendous opportunity to innovate and realise operational efficiencies.
KPMG's approach to embedding sustainability:
• Guidance was sought from key stakeholders from the very beginning to assist in developing the Climate Change Strategy. This generated ownership and support from the right people in the organisation.
• The business case for the strategy encompassed economic, environmental and social elements.
• Seeking a sponsor on the Executive team, with the CFO/COO being our Executive Sponsor.
• Analysis was conducted into what clients and competitors were doing in this space.
• KPMG’s Social Impact Framework study in 2016 resulted in a refreshed strategy with updated focus areas. Climate Change is 1 of 4 focus areas in KPMG’s Corporate Citizenship Strategy.
• Stakeholder engagement, communication and activation activities are underway to create a shared understanding internally.
• Consistent reinforcement is being achieved through commitments for action (e.g. signing CEO Statement of Support for the Sustainable Development Goals, joining CitySwitch), running regular events and showcasing sustainability credentials.
• CitySwitch was engaged for advice and guidance on a variety of initiatives around energy efficiency and waste.
What worked
• Involving the key people at the start to develop the strategy.
• Making the value proposition visible and including financial and reputational benefits as well as the environmental benefits.
• Understanding what ‘value’ and ‘impact’ means for different teams
What didn’t work
Initially, outputs were looked at rather than outcomes.
Measuring engagement
KPMG's monitoring and measurement as part of its outcomes includes:
• energy use, net emissions/FTE, recycling rates, paper purchased
• number of people volunteering with environment organisations
• pro-bono work supporting climate change/environment organisations
• number of climate change events hosted at KPMG and attendance levels.
Benefits experienced to date include increased internal awareness of climate issues, operational efficiencies and brand and reputation value.
Advice to others? Clearly define the issue, ensure stakeholder engagement early and obtain executive sponsorship.
By utilising a holistic approach to embedding sustainability into the organisation, KPMG Australia continues to engage its people, drive cultural change and demonstrate industry leadership. It remains an ongoing process.
Key learnings
It takes time. Culture change is not a quick fix, it’s a long journey that requires a local champion(s) to push it through.
It takes strategy. A long-term strategy and supporting plan that aligns with the organisation’s stated values is critical to obtaining the various approvals necessary to affect change.
It takes engagement. Getting the right people on board who support the strategy is important to get it to a senior level for review. Ensuring the stated benefits include financial and reputational elements as well as carbon emissions reductions are important in obtaining final approval.

3.1 How can this KPMG case study assist someone who is responsible for planning and integrating sustainability into information and communications technology (ICT) projects?
(plan and integrate sustainability into information and communications technology (ICT) projects by devising strategies to conserve resources)

3.2 For a multinational operation like KPMG, what approach would they have used when analysing energy audit data on enterprise resource consumption?
(analyse energy audit data on enterprise resource consumption)
3.3 What are some of the issues a multinational operation that operates in over 150 countries faces when attempting to benchmark against industry best practice?
(develop and monitor policies for review and improvements, benchmarking against industry best practice and attempting new approaches continuously over time.)

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 6120 words including Diagrams

Title: Assessment Tasks of Advanced Diploma of Telecommunications Network Engineering

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