Recent Question/Assignment

Assessment: 02- Report / Project / Role Play
Assessment Description:
This is a Holistic assessment, developed to satisfy the Performance Elements along with the Performance Evidences of the unit. The assessment has two parts: Part 1 and Part 2.
Part 1 is based on a given scenario which attempts to put students on developing a comprehensive project report, with five different tasks to be performed, details explained below.
Part 2 is following on from Part 1 and is based on role play and presentation tasks. This part is mainly developed to satisfy the Performance Evidence requirements of this unit. Here, students are required to participate in two different roles play activities. The first one is aimed at presenting the project, they have developed while meeting the assessment requirements set in Part 1, to their Assessor who will role play a key stakeholder for the project. Finally, in the second role play activity, based on the inputs received in first role play, students are then required to submit the final revised version of the project after getting it signed-off by their Assessor who will role play owner of the institution described in the given scenario.
Part: 1
You are to assume a role of a Project Officer for your college – Cass Training International College (CTIC). CTIC’s management is considering a project of opening up a new campus adjacent to the existing one. You have been given the task to submit a detailed report on this project. Various documents on policies and procedures of the college are easily accessible on the college’s website. You can make use of these documents as and when required. Alternatively, you can ask your trainers if you require any document for your project which is not available on the CTIC’s website.
Your project report shouldfollowthestructurebelow: (2500 -3000 words)
Task: 01 Define Project
1. Describe briefly the organisation, the industry it operates in, and the products or services it provides.
2. Explain briefly how you will identify and understand the scope of the project you have been assigned.
What documentation do you think you will need to source?
3. Below is given a list of stakeholders to be involved in this project. Against each stakeholder, in the context of the project, identify the expected roles and responsibilities of these stakeholders.
Stakeholder Their expected roles
(in the context of the project)
Administration Officer
Marketing Manager
4. What is your own role and level of responsibility? How does this align with the organisation’s objectives? How and from where you would seek clarification on the limits of your authority, your responsibilities, and your reporting obligations?
5. Identify the types of resources required for the project.
Task: 02 Develop project plan
1. List the major tasks involved in the project in the order they will be carried out.
2. Develop a task breakdown for each major activity, including actual or estimated time lines along with the project management tools that could help in achieving the listed task, using the following format.
Tasks Timelines Project management tools to be used/ recommended
Major Task
Sub Task1:
Sub Task 2:
Major Task
Sub Task 1:
Sub Task 2:
3. Develop a one-page comprehensive risk-management plan, identifying all possible risks, and ways those risks will be avoided or minimised.
4. Develop a project budget. The various items that should be identified in your proposed budget are listed below:
• original budget
• Rental cost
• Legal cost (like lawyer’s fee, council fee)
• Insurance cost
• marketing cost
• Communication system installation like internet/Wireless infrastructure
• IT (computers, printers, etc. installation)
• office fit-out
• Furniture cost
5.Discuss briefly the importance of consulting team members and taking their views into account when planning for this project.
6.Explain the final steps you will take to ensure the project plan is likely to gain approval from the management team.
Task: 03 Administer and monitor project
1. List down any three methods of providing information to team members about their roles and responsibilities. Briefly highlight few strategies you would take to help team members deliver tasks on time and on budget.
2. How would you work around the problem of staff being on leave? What issues would you need to consider if you had team members with disability issues?
3. Imagine you have noticed that your members are experiencing difficulties in meeting the project deadlines and they all looking forward to a possible and urgent help from your side. Having realized this situation, you have decided to run a support coaching session to help your colleagues catch up with the pace of the project work. Using template on Coaching session plan, given in Appendix: 01, demonstrate how you are going to assist your team members in achieving their expected outcomes. This demonstration is in the form of a short coaching session, using template provided in Appendix:1.
Important Instruction to Students:
Coaching Session plan, using Template provided in Appendix 1, should be provided as an evidence.
Please refer to Appendix: 4 on Presentation Evaluation Form. Your Assessor will be evaluating your presentation using the same Evaluation Form.
You must provide:
? Please submit your PowerPoint slides to your Trainer a day before your presentation day.
? Presentation duration is maximum 10 minutes + 5 minutes for Q & A session at the end.
Your assessor will be looking for:
? Your professional conduct that promotes trust with the targeted audience
? Adjustments in your interpersonal communication style to meet the organization’s cultural diversity and ethical environment
? Your explanation and discussion on desired outcomes of the presentation with the target audience
? Use of presentation aids, materials, and examples to support target audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas
? Monitor non-verbal and verbal communication of participants to promote attainment of presentation outcomes
? Use of persuasive communication techniques to secure audience interest
? Providing opportunities for participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts, and adjust the presentation to meet participant needs and preferences a plan that includes procedures
? Summary of key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate participant understanding
? How you handled Q & A session
4. What methods of record keeping for regular project correspondence would you recommend?
5. The matrix below identifies three major resources your project would be making use of. Against each resource, in the next column, recommend relevant monitoring strategies.
Resource Monitoring strategy
Human resources ?
Physical resources ?
Financial resources ?
5. Why is ongoing risk management important? How would you ensure you (and your team) are prepared to implement risk-management plans? How would you meet the challenge of unforeseen risks arising?
6. In the context of your project, what are the project deliverables you would use as a measure of your own success? How would you test whether they have been achieved?
Task: 04 Finalize project
1. Describe briefly the types of financial records associated with the project that you might be needing?
2. List down some steps you would take when repatriating a project team member to his/her former role.
3. Describe briefly the procedures you would follow to obtain sign-offs from appropriate personnel.
Task: 05 Review project
1. Briefly explain your review mechanism. Did you involve your team members in the project review? What lessons did you learn from the project?

Part: 02 Role Play and Presentation Tasks
Task 1: Seeking input from key stakeholder (Assessor)
This task is following on from Part 1 above. Having developed a report on the project assigned, you are now required to consult your Assessor who will role play key member of this project. The purpose of this consultation is to generate input and to engage this key member in the whole planning and implementation phases of the project. You must deliver a 5-minute presentation to your Assessor on your report and during the Q & A session of your presentation you will get an opportunity to seek valuable input and critical appraisal on your project report. In your presentation, make sure your clearly demonstrate what project management tools you used to develop project. (Hint: Gantt chart would be an easier one)
The documentation evidence requirement for this Task is:
? Email evidence to book an appointment with a CEO (Your Assessor) to gain input on your proposed project report;
? Agenda copy to be attached with the email, using the Meeting Agenda Template provided in Appendix: 02;
? Meeting Minutes, using the Meeting Minutes Template provided in Appendix: 03;
? Power point slides on your proposed project report;
? One-page document confirming Project management tool you made use of to develop the plan.
Important Instruction to Students:
Power point slides on the proposed project report should be attached as an evidence for sharing the report with the Assessor (Key member).
Please refer to Appendix: 4 on Presentation Evaluation Form. Your Assessor will be evaluating your presentation using the same Evaluation Form.
You must provide:
? Please submit your PowerPoint slides to your Trainer a day before your presentation day.
? Presentation duration is maximum 10 minutes + 5 minutes for Q & A session at the end.
Your assessor will be looking for:
? Your professional conduct that promotes trust with the targeted audience
? Adjustments in your interpersonal communication style to meet the organization’s cultural diversity and ethical environment
? Your explanation and discussion on desired outcomes of the presentation with the target audience
? Use of presentation aids, materials, and examples to support target audience understanding of key concepts and central ideas
? Monitor non-verbal and verbal communication of participants to promote attainment of presentation outcomes
? Use of persuasive communication techniques to secure audience interest
? Providing opportunities for participants to seek clarification on central ideas and concepts, and adjust the presentation to meet participant needs and preferences a plan that includes procedures
? Summary of key concepts and ideas at strategic points to facilitate participant understanding
? How you handled Q & A session
Task 2: Role play on sign-off
Having sought valuable input on your project report form one of the key and senior members (Assessor) of the project, you are now required to finalize the project by presenting it to your Assessor who will role play the owner of the college. The project document should be presented in a proper report form with all the relevant documents to be attached with this final report. Any suggestions/input gathered from your Assessor, during Task 1 above, should be rightly incorporated in the revised version of your project document.
The documentation evidence requirement for this Task is:
? Email evidence to book an appointment with a CEO (Your Assessor) to sign-off your proposed project report.
? Agenda copy to be attached with the email, using the Meeting Agenda Template provided in Appendix: 02
? Meeting Minutes, using the Meeting Minutes Template provided in Appendix: 03
? The project report – revised version.
? Duly Signed Project Signed-off template, provided in Appendix: 05