Recent Question/Assignment

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CI Report (30%)
The project involves individual and group components.
Groups of four students will collaborate to design a Popplet. accompanied by a 4,000 word (maximum) report that explains and expands on the Popplet. The Popplet provides the road map for the report.
Students will be fully informed of the project in Week 4. Details will also be posted on vUWS under Assessment. In brief, students will be introduced to a consumer market. Groups must first decide on a market segment to target. Segments will either be provided or left for groups to determine, depending on the nature of the market. Next, the group needs to chose topics it believes are relevant to the target consumer when the consumer is making a brand choice in the market. The topics must include at least one external/social influence and one internal/psychological influence. Each group member will be responsible for developing one topic. The contents of the Popplet and report must include:
• A psychographic profile of the target segment
• An overview of consumer's brand decision-making in the market
• Use of the theory behind the chosen topics to demonstrate the relevance of their influence on the consumer's brand decision-making.
• A set of marketing considerations that should be taken into account by organisations targeting the segment.
What is Popplet?
Popplet is an application that can be used to organise ideas in a graphic form which, for the purposes of this project. resembles a conceptual map. Among its many features. Popplet allows for group collaboration.
'Collaboration tools are being considered more and more essential in the business context. Research by the McKinsey Global Institute found that social collaboration tools are becoming essential for businesses that want to increase productivity and drive a new wave of innovation- (
Group formation
Students should form groups of four members, and complete a group registration form in the Week 4 tutorial. The group registration form is contained in the SRP, which is available from vUWS. Note that a group of five is only permissible where a group of four cannot be formed (i.e. due to class numbers). Groups of three are not permissible under any circumstances. Please note that to ensure each student is part of a group, staff may allocate students to a group prior to or during the course of the project.
Project milestones
Week 4: Group formation and project briefing
Week 5: Popplet download/account creation and practice
Week 7: Submission plan due
Week 11: Complete draft Popplet due
Week 12: Final report and Popplet due
i Note: The tutor or lecturer may not be the marker for the given assignment.
Submission requirements
A copy of the assignment cover/marks sheet must be downloaded from vUWS, completed, printed and attached to the submitted report. Groups must use this cover sheet and not the generic UWS Assignment Cover Sheet. The body of the report (i.e. excluding Appendix) should be submitted to Tumitin, and a copy of the Turnitin report included in the final submission.
All assignments must be submitted by the due date. as specified in this document.
Assignments should be submitted by hand to your tutor at the beginning of the tutorial session.
All assignments are to be typed and bound. Typing must be according to the format and on one side of the page only. Required format:
• Length: 4,000 words maximum
• 2.5 cm margins
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