Recent Question/Assignment

In weeks one or two you chose a scientific topic that interests you (Assessment 1). In weeks 1-6 tutorials you are given ongoing instruction and guidance about this task and you complete several activities that assist you complete Assessment 2.
Lectures in weeks 1-6 discuss different cohorts or ‘interested parties’ who should be and usually are very interested in science. Each of these cohorts has a different level of scientific knowledge, in most cases more limited than a scientist’s level of knowledge. All cohorts are curious and have different reasons for wanting to understand science. Your writing style and mode of delivery must be different for each cohort because of their different levels of knowledge and interest.
Cohort Your writing style Mode of delivery/media type Relevant lecture/tutorial
Scientists As a scientist writing for other scientists Journal article lecture week 1
tutorial wks. 2&3
General public As a science journalist writing for non-scientists Newspaper article lecture week 3
tutorial week 4
Investors/Funders As a scientist writing to investors or funders who may not be scientists ‘Elevator pitch’ type of proposal or recommendation lecture week 4
tutorial week 5
School students
years 9-12 As a scientist writing to educate students, use suitable language and examples Information page (avoid jargon & complex language) lecture week 5 tutorial week 6
Choose 3 of these cohorts and write an article about your topic in a style that engages that particular cohort. Then write a reflection on what you learned from the process of writing in different genres for different audiences. The three different articles and the reflection are to be included in a report style document. Your report must include:
• Title page
• Table of Contents
• Introduction
• Three different articles, based on your research topic, and written for 3 different cohorts (from table above)
• Reflection
• Reference List
• Swinburne Harvard Style
• maximum of 10 appropriate references
• correct in-text citations
• Reference List, on a separate page at the end of the document (include in Table of Contents)
• in the footer write your name, unit code and page numbers
• 1500 words (+/-10%) - include word count (do not include words in your Reference List).
• maximum of 1 per stakeholder
• need to be numbered and have a title/caption and reference if necessary
• include in your Table of Contents
• maximum of 1 per stakeholder
• need to be numbered and have a title/caption and reference if necessary
• include in your Table of Contents
• include in your Table of Contents
• remove all hyper-linking of text, movies or audio.
• marked out of 30 (30% of the unit assessment).
Due Date:
• upload via Turnitin by 11:59pm on Sunday 9th September 2018. Late submission minus 3 marks per day late (do not submit if 6 days late).
For this assessment you need to write as a scientist, about the scientific topic you chose in Week 1 or 2 (from Assessment 1). You need to write about this topic using different genres (types) of writing. You need to do this because each cohort requires specific scientific knowledge written in the way that the reader can easily understand.
Title page (no page number)
Table of Contents (no page number)
1.0 Introduction (use decimal numbering from this heading onwards, start page numbering here)
1.1 Aims - what you hope to achieve, why there's a need for the report
1.2 Sources and Procedure - where/how material gathered (databases, library research, questionnaires, research, interviews), use of Endnote
1.3 Significance and Implications – why report is important, organisation of main section
2.0 As a scientist write in these different genres/style (choose only 3 cohorts):
You need to include evidence, references, images and tables that are relevant to the specific cohort’s needs and that will assist the reader understand your information.
2.1 Introduction to a scientific journal article. Your readers are scientists, so provide them with the information they require and in the style they expect. Include the journal name at the beginning.
2.2 Newspaper article. Your readers are the general public who may be interested in science. Write like a science journalist and provide your readers with the information they need to understand your topic. Write in a way that keeps them interested. At the beginning include the newspaper name, journalist’s (your) name and date of publication.
2.3 Communicate with an investor/funder. You want the investor/funder to provide you with funding so you can bring your research topic to a practical outcome. Therefore, you need to provide them with credible and practical reasons why they should fund your research. You may request research funds for early stage outcomes, development funds if your research product is very mature or research & development (R&D) funds. At the beginning, include the name/s of the person/organisation you are asking to provide funding, and your details so they can contact you.
2.4 Reasons why your discovery/invention/product is important and its attributes. You are writing this as an educator for high school students – years 9-12. You need to write an information page that provides them with the relevant information they need to understand your topic and to encourage their interest in science.
3.0 Reflection. This is the last section of the submission. Here you need to reflect on the process of writing this report; what you learned about the importance of communicating and writing in different genres; and what you will do differently in the future.
4.0 Reference List – this needs to follow the Swinburne Harvard style.