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1315020 Corporate Accounting Assessment item 2 — Assignment Due date: I 1.00pm Friday Week 10 Weighting: 20,
Assessment task
In the file -Find Your Company- you will find the hoed company you have be. given for this course. This file will be made available on Friday of Week 4. Complete this assignment for the company you have been given. Please be carethl to use the listed company you have be. given. Your assignment will not be marked if you use a different company to the one you have been given: and you will be asked to resubmit your assignment using the right company.
Go to the website of your company, by clicking on hofJRL000llo
your company in the list of companies in the file -Your Company . Then go to the Investor Relations section of the website. This section may be called. -Lnvestors-. -Shareholder Information or similar name.
In this section, go to your firm's annual reports and save to your computer your firm's latest annual report. For example. these may be dated 30 June 2015 or 31 March 2016. Do not u. your firrres interim financial statements or their concise financial statements. You are need to do the following tasks:
Please read the financial statements (balance theet. incomc statement, statement of changes in owner's equity, cash flow statement, very carefully. Also please read the relevant thotnotes of your firm's financial statements carefully and include infonmation from these footnotes in your answer. Please remember some aspects of your firm's treatment of its tax can be a very complicated area. particularly for some firms.
Within your firm's latest iumual report
111From your fimcs financial statement. list each item of equity and write your understanding of each item. Discuss any changes in each item of equity for your fimi over the past year articulating the reasons for the change.
What is your firm's tax expen. in its latest tinancial statements?

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(iii) Is this figure the same as the company tax rate 'rnes your firm's accounting income? Explain why this is', or is not, the case for your firm.
(iv) Comment on deferred tax assets/liabilities that is reported in the balance sheet articulating the possible reasons why they have been recorded.
(v) Is there any current tax assets or income tax payable
recorded by your company? Why is the income tax payable not the same as income tax expense?
(vi) Is the income tax expense shown in the income statement same as the income tax paid shown in the cash flow statement? If not why is the difference?
(vii) What do you find interesting, confining, surprising or difficult to understand about the treatment of tax in your firm's financial statements? What new insights, if any. have you gained about how companies account for income tax as a result of examining your firm's tax expense in its accounts?
Assessment markt. criteria
fi Submitted correct annual report for your company
lii) Insightful description of each item of your fimi's equity - indicating a degree of unders.ding of what each iteni is
(iii) Insightful explanation of changes in each item
(iv) Clear description of your incomc tax
(v)exPenlsnesightful explanation of whether, and if so why, your firms' income tax expense differs from the
tvicrIaZI= OrNevshdylethacT=faixneeZ:nse shown in the income statement is different from income
(vii1)1°71inndethr;tea'nlinfig7f =taxt assets and deferred tax liabilities and why they have changed over the previous year.

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 1738 words including References

Company Selected: PSC Insurance group limited

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