Recent Question/Assignment

Task Details:
Assessment 2
The quiz will cover content weeks 1 – 4 inclusive.
It will consist of a series of short answer questions where students will be expected to demonstrate their knowledge of the Australian political and legal institutions.
Assessment Type:
Research and Presentation Project – group assessment with individual component.
To allow students to apply and demonstrate research, analysis and
communication skills to an area of business law that is undergoing change or is significant topical interest. This contributes to Learning Outcomes a, b, c and d.
10 group mark
30 individual components
= 40 total marks
Due Date:
Progress Weeks 2 - 7.
Presentations Weeks 8,9 and 10. Report – with presentation
Submission: Presentation in class.
Report - Upload a soft copy of the report to Turnitin / Moodle. Each group needs to provide hard copies of the following to their tutor before presenting to the class:
1. Written Report summarising the main points covered in the presentation.
2. Slides
3. Other aids to learning used by the presenters.
4. Minutes of Meetings outlining how the work was delegated and assessment as to how well it was performed by each member in the group.
Topic: An area of business law that is undergoing change, that is being legislated or a significant case decision or of topical importance in the press. Groups should choose their own topic; however, if students in the group can’t agree on an acceptable topic, the lecturer will provide one.
Task Details:
Forming into Groups and Selecting the Topic.
Students will be asked to form into groups for the purpose of selecting a business law area that is undergoing change that is being legislated or a significant case decision or of topical importance in the press. If students in the group can’t agree on an acceptable topic, then the lecturer will provide one.
Researching the Topic
Once the topic has been determined, each group will organise their members to collect, read and synthesise the available materials in both hard copy and digital forms. Then during the semester, students will be expected to discuss with their lecturer on the progress of the research. In particular, by week 2 or 3, each group will be required to register their members’ details and topic with their lecturer or Tutor. Then in week 6 they will be required to show their tutors the extent of their research in terms of articles, cases and legislation (as appropriate) that they have read and found to be relevant. Each group will then need to structure this information and prepare the presentation, report and aids, such as slides. Then in week 7, students will show their tutors the draft structure of the presentation with allocations of students and timings.
Chance for Re-Submit
Lecturers may require improvements to the presentation materials or report before awarding a mark. Once Lecturers are satisfied with the standard of the Final PowerPoint Presentations they should be made available for your class members online.
Group Assessment & Review
Group members are expected to assist their tutor by recording the meetings and tasks allocated within the group. Minutes of meetings are to be handed in with the report and slides. If members of the group claim that other members failed to contribute, then each member of the group will be required to submit a peer ranking of the contributions of the others in the group. They may also be required to submit to mediation and arbitration by their tutor.
During weeks 8, 9 & 10 the groups will present their findings to the class. It is essential that students be clear as to the theme and consider ways of making the presentation relevant and interesting to the class. To assist, it is expected that each group presentation will include slides, multimedia and a written report to accompany or assist in student learning.
There needs to be at least 12 slides per student presenter, clearly identified with student name and number. Students will be expected to present orally for between 6 to 8 minutes and they will be timed to ensure equity for all.
It is expected that students will consider making their presentation interesting and relevant to the audience. Reasonable allowance will be made for language difficulties. However, higher marks will be allocated to the students who are able to concisely and clearly explain their portion without just reading from the slides. The presentation must show the students have researched and understood what they are presenting.
To accompany the presentation there needs to be a written report from each group divided into chapters. This is not meant to be a formal essay, but rather the script used in preparing the presentation. Each student presenter needs to prepare a chapter which will add detail to the oral presentation. Each chapter should be approx. 2,000 words in length. There would need to be consideration to ensure the report has an overall theme, structure, introduction and conclusion The report needs to include an index and bibliography.
Marking Guide:
Group Mark (10 marks) is allocated to each of the members of the group based on the overall
effectiveness of the presentation and taking into account the comprehensiveness of the research, the synthesise of the materials and overall structure and theme of the presentation. It also considers innovation and oral skills. Of most importance is whether the class learnt and were engaged by the presentation e.g. are the class able to answer questions at the end of the presentation, did the class actively volunteer questions, did the class exhibit signs of interest.
Individual Mark (30 marks) is allocated based on the individual oral presentation in class together with the prepared aids and the respective Chapter in the report. Apart from the slides, the presentation should incorporate good oral skills such as establishing eye contact, using appropriate variation of pitch and delivery as well as graphics/ pictures and multimedia. Innovative presentations as a whole will also be rewarded. Students need to be able to answer questions if asked by their tutor and to show they understood the materials presented to the class. Simply reading to the class is not acceptable and students who do so may be stopped, at least they will score very low marks. Similarly students who are inaudible or just speak without variation of pitch or tone will also be marked poorly. The individual mark will take into account the oral presentation as well as the contribution to the written report, slides and as indicated by the minutes of meetings.
Marking Rubric for BUS702 Business Law
Criteria High Distinction
(70 – 79%)
Credit (60 – 69%) Pass
(50 – 59%)
Development of theme from the beginning and throughout the presentation Clearly states the thesis of the presentation. This statement is clear and concise. The structure of the presentation that follows is clear and presents a logical and persuasive flow of argument. The issues explored in the presentation link back to the stated thesis in a logical sequence. Effectively States the argument/thesis that will flow through the presentation in the introduction. The issues to be explored in the presentation are clearly stated and present a logical flow.
This argument/ thesis flows through the presentation.
States argument/thesis and attempts to provide a clear structure that sets out how that argument will be made through the presentation.
Attempts to state an argument/ thesis in the introduction — however the marker struggles to identify the thesis (i.e. not as clear as it could be) in the introduction or the presentation more broadly. Provides some indication of the structure that will follow. The argument or theme is not clear. It has not been clearly stated in the introduction, nor
as the presentation progresses. There is no structure to the presentation.
Knowledge and understanding of the topic (including reference to law and identification of relevant issues) Demonstrates superior knowledge and understanding of the topic. Provides an innovative and comprehensive view of the issues raised by the question. Demonstrates detailed relevant knowledge and understanding of the topic.
Identifies key issues and explains their relevance to the question. Demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding in sufficient detail. Identifies key issues. Demonstrates relevant knowledge and understanding but does not include sufficient detail nor satisfactory identification of issues. Basic and general. Does not identify relevant issues and instead provides a
historical or chronological account
Critical analysis
Evaluation and insight
Provides a tight and coherent analysis that is structured according to overarching themes and issues.
Explores in detail the complexities and contradictions inherent within the issues. Issues may be insufficiently linked in the analysis or given insufficient weight. Attempts to incorporate a detailed critical analysis of the issues but may be descriptive in some areas.
Acknowledges opposing viewpoints but presents these viewpoints in a descriptive rather than analytical way. Tends not to link the material presented back to answer the question. Insufficient critical analysis, evaluation and insight to address the question.
Development of consistent and
persuasive argument(s)
Coherent flow of argument (Integrates counter arguments in a sophisticated way) following structure set out in introduction and proving stated thesis.
Follows a coherent flow of argument (including addressing of counter arguments)
Evidences a reasonable flow of argument.
Effectively states the argument/thesis that flow through the presentation in the introduction. The issues to be explored in the presentation are clearly stated and present a logical flow. Attempts to develop argument but may be poorly expressed and structured, which hampers its clear articulation.
Provides few or no identifiable arguments.
Presentation Skills The presenter employs positive attitude, uses body language and facial expressions, speaks in a clear and audible voice with excellent English and engages the audience Employs some techniques that
involve and engage the audience
Does more than just read to the class. Occasionally employs eye contact and is able to get the
class to listen to the presentation. Attempts to look at the audience and to check whether they are listening but fails to demonstrate confidence Little or no eye contact with the audience, reading without any change in pitch, pace or volume.
Standard of
Presentation Aids Aids that are interactive and contain multi-media links and which excite the audience whilst aiding understanding of the issues being presented. Use of graphics, graphs and pictures to make the aids more interesting. Slides assist the audience to understand the main points of the presentation. Some slides but not effective in summarizing or following the oral presentation. The fonts may be inappropriate and nothing to keep audience attention Slides which do not assist the presentation. Not formatted and mainly text that is hard for students to read. Incorrect grammar and spelling.
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Written Report Consistently clear and succinct. Well written with only minor errors of expression. Mostly favours active voice Generally well expressed but could be improved with a further draft. May contain superfluous words and phrases. May incorporate long or unnecessary quotations with little original work. Difficult to read. May have little or no structure, no headings
and poor grammar and spelling
Innovation Presents new and interesting ideas and/or employs new and interesting ways to communicate with the audience these new ideas. Evidences some thoughtful appreciation of the current knowledge and provides some new perspectives Introduces some new ideas but is mainly just a summary Summarizes ideas that are easily found in the main textbooks. Little that is new States the obvious or reiterates information that is very common.
Confirmation of learning The audience asks relevant and pertinent questions and wants more information and the presenter answers these questions. The presenter asks questions and the answers confirm that most of the main points have been remembered. But not a lot of enthusiasm exhibited by the class. The presenter asks questions to confirm the audience has understood the main points but very little interest exhibited from the class. Asks 1 or two questions but generally has not thought to involve the class. Little or no attempt to involve the class. No Questions prepared to test that the class has learnt.
Contribution to Group Effort Provided a wide range of assistance to other members and this was well received and appreciated. Did contribute and provide assistance to other members in preparing their presentations but did not take a leadership role Provided some articles and some assistance to other members in preparing their presentations but could have done more Collected some articles or prepared some slides but with
little regard to the work of other
members Did not contribute within the group and did not attend the planning sessions
NOTE: The indicators above are to help you improve your preparation and presentation. They do not represent numerical values