Recent Question/Assignment

KIT714 ICT Research Principles – Semester 2, 2017
Practical: Quantitative Research Exercise
Type: In-semester (Individual assignment)
Task Length: 6 – 7 pages
Weighting: 15% of total assessment for this unit
Due Date: 9 October 2017, 11:55pm
Submission: Completed assignments need to be uploaded to MyLO by the due
Description: This practical task will engage students in a quantitative research
exercise that will enable them to directly deploy skills, tools and techniques covered
in the unit. Each student will be required to complete the exercise and prepare a
written report that displays their level of research understanding and competence in
quantitative data analysis and presentation of results.
In this assignment we will be addressing the problem:
An investigation into bike parking at Copenhagen Central Station
Copenhagen Central Station is the main railway station in Copenhagen, Denmark and
the largest railway station in Denmark. Copenhagen University is situated 1.5km from
Copenhagen Central Station. The autumn semester at Copenhagen University runs
from 5
th September 2016 to 30th January 2017.
Bike use has become increasingly popular with commuters of the last few years and it
is common practice for someone to ride their bike to the closest train station in order
to catch a train to their final destination.
Automatic bike counters have been installed at each of the four bike parking areas in
Copenhagen Central Station to record the date (and time) of each bike entering the
railway station over a 6 months period. You have been provided access to aggregate
data reporting the total number of bikes entering each day, grouped by entrance used.
heading Type Description
Date date A date between 13/07/2016 and 9/01/2017
Day string Day of the week: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat
B integer Number of bikes observed entering from Bernstoffsgade (more detail below)
I integer Number of bikes observed entering from Istegade
V integer Number of bikes observed entering from Vesterbrogade
T integer Number of bikes observed entering from Tietgensgade
Bike entrances
The entrances and their respective data labels are:
Entance Label
Bernstoffsgade B
Istegade I
Vesterbrogade V
Tietgensgade T
Your task is to select and apply statistical analysis techniques to examine the data and
derive some conclusions to the following questions:
1. Describe and illustrate the full dataset.
2. Are there differences between bike parking usage during semester and outside
semester time?
o Organise data into in-semester / non-semester days
o Plot data using an appropriate chart
o Perform a t-test and discuss the results
o Discuss whether a t-test is appropriate for this data
3. Are there differences in the number of bikes using different bike parking
o Organise data by entrance
o Plot data using an appropriate chart
o Perform an ANOVA
o Based on the ANOVA result, run t-tests to confirm differences
o Discuss whether ANOVA and t-tests are appropriate for this data
The output of your analysis will be a brief report (including title, abstract, brief
introduction, results and discussion) in Springer’s Lecture Notes in Computer Science
(LNCS) format. The report should be no more than six pages in length (note that the
LNCS format has very wide margins) and should be submitted in PDF.
Analysis Tool Advice:
You may use any suitable tools for analysing the data. For instance, descriptive
statistics can be produced by Excel, Python, R, and many other packages equally well,
whereas Python and R support many non-parametric tests that Excel does not. You
may need to do some data preparation in Excel in order to organize the data
appropriately for the comparisons you wish to perform in another tool.
Submit your completed report in PDF to [Assignments] on the unit’s MyLO site by
11:55pm 9 October 2017. The report must comply with the LNCS format for
conference papers.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science is a long-running series of edited books,
predominantly containing conference proceedings. There are templates available for
both LaTeX and MS Word. On that page look at the sections titled CS Proceedings and
Other Multiauthor Volumes - Using LaTeX2e and CS Proceedings and Other
Multiauthor Volumes - Using Office 2007 Word, which contain zip files of the relevant
If preparing your report in LaTeX then place the lncs.cls file with your LaTeX sources
and follow the instructions in lncsdoc.pdf. If preparing your report in Word then create
a new document using the included template splnproc1110.dotm.
Ask questions
Questions about approaches you are considering using or how to use the LaTeX
template can be directed to James Montgomery or Robert Ollington.
Very Good
Statistical tests
Correct use of statistical tests with
follow-up tests where appropriate
incorporating description and discussion
of significance. Excellent discussion
provided as to the appropriateness of
the tests for the data set and
suggestions of alternatives available.
Mostly correct use of statistical tests
with follow-up tests where
appropriate incorporating description
and discussion of significance. Very
good discussion provided as to the
appropriateness of the tests for the
data set and suggestions of
alternatives available.
Mostly correct use of statistical
tests. Good discussion
provided as to the
appropriateness of the tests
for the data set and
suggestions of alternatives
Mostly correct use of
statistical tests. Adequate
discussion provided as to
the appropriateness of the
tests for the data set.
Mostly correct use of
statistical tests but
no discussion
Presentation of
Presentation is clear with appropriate
choice of chart type incorporating error
bars showing variance where
appropriate. Axes are clearly labelled
and appropriate for making clear
comparisons. Captions fully describe
Presentation is clear with appropriate
choice of chart type incorporating
error bars showing variance where
appropriate. Axes are clearly labelled
and appropriate for making clear
comparisons. Captions mostly describe
Presentation is clear with
appropriate choice of chart
type. Axes are clearly labelled
and appropriate for making
comparisons. Captions mostly
describe figures .Clear
presentation with appropriate
choice of chart type.
Presentation is clear with
appropriate choice of chart
type. Axes are clearly
labelled and appropriate
for making comparisons.
Captions adequately
describe figures.
Presentation is
unclear with
inappropriate choice
of chart type.
Captions do not
describe figures.
Findings demonstrate insight and
incorporate information not found
within the given data; report is clear,
well-structured and contains sufficient
detail; report is mostly free of grammar
and spelling errors.
Findings demonstrate some insight;
report is clear, well-structured and
contains sufficient detail; minor
grammar and spelling errors.
Findings demonstrate limited
insight; report is mostly clear
and well-structured, but has
some grammatical or spelling
Report’s organisation could
be improved but is
generally comprehensible;
several grammatical or
spelling mistakes.
Report is poorly
organised and
difficult to follow, or
many grammatical or
spelling errors.