Recent Question/Assignment

Pathways to University
Academic English
Research Report
Topic: Mobile phone usage while driving
Length: 1200 words (plus or minus 10%)
Task Weighting: 25%
Due: (end of) Week 9. You need to submit your Research Report via Turnitin before Sunday 30 April, 11 pm.
Academic research reports at university are based on either experimental or survey research. For practical reasons, only ‘survey research’ can be carried out in Academic English. The range of possible research topics is limited and, therefore, students may not be able to choose from within their own general subject area.
The class will work on the same topic. Students will work in groups of 3-4.
Each group will:
• define its own research question and hypothesis
• develop its own questionnaire ( approximately 15 questions)
• understand and follow the methodology process (survey 40-50 participants)
• examine the results and understand what they mean
• work together to construct the Methodology and the Results sections of the report. Thus, these 2 sections can be the same or similar.
However, the Abstract, the Introduction and the Discussion sections of the report are to be written individually.
The survey may be conducted on and/or off campus.
Each student will submit their own separate report, and the following must be provided:
• A title page
• Contents page
• All sections of the report
• A reference list
• An appendix with a clean copy of the questionnaire
• Please note that online submission via Turnitin is the official form of submission.
• You will be penalised 10% per day for submissions made after the due date and time as per WSU – The College guidelines.
Topic: Mobile phone usage while driving
Behaviours that could be surveyed include texting, use (or non-use) of hands free technology, accessing the internet, accessing social media, having conversations, finding directions, involvement in car accidents, gesturing while conversing.
Your Research Report must contain a minimum of THREE in-text citations, with only one being a direct quotation.
These citations must come from a minimum of two different sources. Your teacher will provide you with a number of resources on the topic, but you are encouraged to find some of your own.
These sources should be used for providing:
• background information on the topic and
• for identifying previous research on the topic of your Report.
Your citations and the Reference List must be in the correct format as per the recommended WSU Referencing Style Guide (available on the WSU library website).
WARNING: Plagiarism and lateness penalties are severe and will be applied.
Additional Instructions for Academic English Research Reports
You must submit your Research Report via Turn-it-in.
For Turn-it-in
• The file name of the document you upload must be in the format:
Class name (as shown on your timetable) plus your name,
eg FARF B - Alice Brown
Report Format
• Use 12 point Times New Roman font
• Use double line spacing for the report; however, single line spacing for the Reference List
• Start each section of the report on a new page
• Use ‘Normal’ margins
These must be written in the Harvard WSU style and match your in-text citations
Title Page
Include a title page with your report detailing:
• Your Name
• Your Student Number
• The names of your group members
• Your Teacher’s Name
• Assignment Title
• Subject – ‘Academic English’ plus class name
• Word length of your report excluding Title Page, Reference List and questionnaire
You will be penalised 10% per day for submissions made after the above date and time.
Word limit
You are to write a 1200 word report, not including the title page or reference list. You are given a 10% leniency (1080-1280 words). If you are above or below this range, a 10% penalty will be deducted from your final mark for this task.
NOTE - Penalties will apply for non-conformance
with the above instructions