Recent Question/Assignment

University Assessment: EDP315 - Society and environment education.

• • • - You must focus on ONE year group and provide details of TWO assessment strategies in your program.
• - Your teaching and learning program will need to be aligned to the Australian Curriculum - History.
• - Assume one (1) dedicated lesson of History per week therefore 6 lessons in total.
• - Provide two opportunities for assessment - at least one formal assessment strategy.
• - Incorporate current SOSE teaching and learning theory as examined throughout the unit.
• - Provide opportunities (not lessons) for cross-curricular learning in addition to the 6 lessons.
• - Consider the use of ICT strategies.

Assessment 2 Tips
Assessment 2 Tips– Programming
• A program covering 6 lessons is required;
• Two assessment pieces in total are required;
• The ACARA curriculum documents- history are required (Australian Curriculum). DO not use your state/territory documents;
• The critical component for programming in the AC is the ‘Content descriptions’ for each year group. This is comprised of ‘Historical Knowledge and understanding’ (the content) and ‘Historical skills’ (the skills of history). Generally these are taught together. Each content description differs in length and content however, as a guide, for the purposes of this assignment one ‘Historical knowledge and understanding’ descriptor would be sufficient. More than one skills descriptor may be needed depending on the content. The ‘elaborations’ are a guide and do not all need to be taught with every content descriptor (teachers are free to choose);
• It is critical that you read the ACARA documents first and then consider how you will teach the content descriptors rather than deciding on a ‘topic’ and trying to make the AC descriptors fit;
• Programming is an individual art. Use the examples in your text as a guide if this helps but there are not templates provided;
• Lesson plans are not required but a detailed overview of the lessons is. A program is a broad outline of the teaching and learning you intend to cover. A lesson plan is an individual document for 1 lesson. Lesson plans cover far more detail and exact timings for the lesson.
• Ensure you cover the SOSE/History theory within your program.
• Peer reviews are NOT required for this assignment – it was previously completed as a larger group assignment.
• There is no set word count but the document does need to be workable. As a guide no more than 1 page per 1- 2 lessons.
If you are including additional documents as appendices please ensure you significantly reduce your file size or you will have trouble uploading your assignment and tutors will have trouble downloading to mark it. Files can become corrupt if they are too large. Avoid large pictures and dense memory rich content
• Programming protocols refer to those aspects normally included in a program such as outcomes, resources, assessment. See your text for further information.
• •Referencing is required however, as this is a working document, you are not required to reference within your program itself but in a reference page at the end of your assignment; APA referencing
• A rationale may be helpful to clarify your aims and demonstrate your understanding of the unit readings ;
• Consider how critically you evaluated your resources in Assignment 1 and apply this principle to the resources in your program – each much serve a specific purpose and align to the content descriptors being taught.;
• Consider the literacy capabilities of your chosen year group and choose appropriate resources;
• Consider the incorporation of ICT in your program.