Recent Question/Assignment

1. Write a function definition called, sigma, that takes an input file reference as its parameter. The function should read the numbers from a file and calculate their total value (cumulative sum). The function should return the cumulative sum to the calling function. Note: the function reads the entire file (15pts).
2. Write a function definition called quotient that takes as its parameters two decimal values, numer and denom, to divide. Remember that division by 0 is not allowed. If division by 0 occurs, display the message -NaN- to the console, otherwise display the result of the division and its remainder (15pts).
3. The multiplication operator works by summing a value, x, y times. Write a function definition called multiply that takes two integer parameters to perform the operation described in the first sentence. Return the answer to the calling function (15pts).
4. Write function definition called greaterThanKey that takes an integer as its parameter. ?The function should prompt the user to continue to enter number until some sentinel value (-999) and count how many numbers are greater than the key parameter. The function should return the answer to the calling function. (15pts)
5. Write a function definition called findRange that takes two integers as its parameter and calculates the range. It should return the range to the caller (calling function main). (15pts)
6. Write a complete program that uses the functions listed above. The main function should print the results after each function call to a file. Be sure to declare all necessary variables to properly call each function. Be sure to read in data for the
quotient, multiply, greaterThanKey and findRange from an input file (data values corresponding to the actual parameters to each function). Using the input file you create, run your program to generate an output file. Attach the code and screenshot of a successful run on the program. (30pts)