Recent Question/Assignment

ICTPRG525 Build Java applets
ICT50118 Diploma of Information Technology
Record of Assessment Outcome
Student name: Student ID:
Summary of evidence gathering techniques used for this assessment: O Written Assessment O Practical Assessment O Presentation
The evidence presented is:
O Valid O Sufficient O Authentic O Current
Unit result: Competent O Not Competent O
The student has been provided with feedback and informed of the assessment result and the reason for the decision.
Assessor name: Date assessed:
Assessor signature:
RTO contact
Student declaration on assessment outcome
I have been provided with feedback on the evidence I have provided. I have been informed of the assessment result and the reason for the decision.
Student name: Date:
Student signature:
Reasonable Adjustment
Was reasonable adjustment applied to any of the assessment tasks? (please tick) Yes O No O
If yes, tick which assessment task(s) it was applied to.
O Written Assessment O Practical Assessment O Presentation
Provide a description of the adjustment applied and why it was applied.
Name of assessor: Assessor signature:
Name of student: Student signature:
Student Declaration
Plagiarism constitutes extremely serious academic misconduct and severe penalties are associated with it. By signing below, you are declaring that the attached work is entirely your own (or where submitted to meet the requirements of an approved group assessment, is the work of the group). I certify that
? I have read and understood the Southern Cross Education Institute’s PP77 Assessment and submission policy and procedures.
? This assessment is all my own work, and no part of this assessment has been copied from another person.
? I have not allowed my work to be copied by another person.
? I have a copy of this work and will be able to reproduce within 24 hours if requested.
I give my consent for Southern Cross Education Institute to examine my work electronically by relevant plagiarism software programs.
Student signature: .......................................................... Date: ......../........../................
Assessment Outcome Summary and Feedback
Assessment Task 1 – Written Assessment
Submission No. Result Date
Assessed Assessor Name Assessor Signature
O First submission O S O NS
O Re-submission 1 O S O NS
O Re-submission 2 O S O NS
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Feedback to the Student:
Assessment Task 2 – Practical Assessment
Submission No. Result Date
Assessed Assessor Name Assessor Signature
O First submission O S O NS
O Re-submission 1 O S O NS
O Re-submission 2 O S O NS
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Feedback to the Student:
Assessment Task 3 – Presentation
Submission No. Result Date
Assessed Assessor Name Assessor Signature
O First submission O S O NS
O Re-submission 1 O S O NS
O Re-submission 2 O S O NS
S = Satisfactory NS = Not Satisfactory
Feedback to the Student:
Student Instructions
Student Instructions
This unit describes the skills and knowledge required to compile and run an applet that executes in Java-enabled browsers, and interacts with users.
To achieve competency the following assessment tasks must be successfully completed in the time allocated with the essential resources. Your trainer/assessor will give you the due date to submit the assessments and provide you with feedback after assessing your work.
Refer to the table below for the summary of assessment tasks for this unit:
Assessment Task
Number Assessment Type Notes
1 Written Assessment To be completed by the due date provided by the trainer/assessor
2 Practical Assessment To be completed by the due date provided by the trainer/assessor
3 Presentation Date of presentation to be arranged with trainer/assessor. Will be conducted during class time.
• Students will be given the Student assessment at the beginning of the unit
• Students may need to spend some hours outside the class hours without supervision to complete the assessments
• All assessment tasks must be satisfactory to achieve competency in the unit
• All the units of competency must be deemed competent to complete the qualification and obtain a certificate • The assessment requirement for this unit are presented clearly in the Unit of Competency located at • In the Student assessment, you must be able to:
o Answer all questions o Complete all assessment tasks within the required timeframe o Complete all assessments tasks to a satisfactory standard • The following resources are required for this assessment:
• appropriate documentation and resources normally used in the workplace
• business documentation
• appropriate learning and assessment support when required
• computer with internet access
• Access to word processing, spreadsheet and PowerPoint software

Reasonable adjustment
For information on reasonable adjustment please refer to the Student handbook located at:
Record of assessment outcome
After all of the assessment evidence has been gathered from the assessment tasks for this unit/cluster of units of competency the Record of Assessment stating your result will be completed.
Information for the Student
If you do not understand any part of the unit or the assessments you are required to undertake, please talk with your trainer/assessor. It is important that you understand all of the aspects of the learning and assessment process that you will be undertaking. This will make it easier for you to learn and be successful in your studies.

Assessment Task 1 – Written Assessment
Instructions for completion
• You are required to answer all questions in Assessment Task 1 – Written Assessment
• Responses to the questions must be typed (not hand written)
• Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational skills
• Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your own have been used – to avoid plagiarism
• Write your name, Student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of competency on each piece of paper you attach to this assessment document
• Submit to your trainer/assessor by the due date
DUE DATE • The trainer/assessor will inform you of the due date
The due date for this task is _____________________________
1) Read the following java applet code and answer the following questions?
a) Write down the steps to create java file called “Keyboard3 “ using JCreator as text editor
b) Explain how the java.applet.Applet sub class (Keyboard3) works
c) Explain Applet subclass (keyboard3) init() and paint () methods work
d) Explain class instance and local variables and its methods
e) Explain class event handling methods
f) Write down the steps to run a java program called with user defined variables
g) Explain how do you call the image on to applet viewer
importjava.applet.*; import java.awt.*;
public class Keyboard3 extends Applet
implementsKeyListener, MouseListener {
int width, height; int x, y; String s = --;
Image backbuffer;
Graphics backg;
public void init() { width = getSize().width; height = getSize().height;
setBackground( );
x = width/2;
y = height/2;
backbuffer = createImage( width, height ); backg = backbuffer.getGraphics(); backg.setColor( ); backg.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height ); backg.setColor( );
addKeyListener( this );
addMouseListener( this );
public void keyPressed( KeyEvent e ) { } public void keyReleased( KeyEvent e ) { } public void keyTyped( KeyEvent e ) { char c = e.getKeyChar();
if ( c != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED ) { s = s + c;
backg.drawString( s, x, y ); repaint();
public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e ) { } public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e ) { } public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) { } public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e ) { }
public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) { x = e.getX(); y = e.getY();
s = --; repaint();
public void update( Graphics g ) {
g.drawImage(backbuffer, 0, 0, this );
g.setColor(Color.gray );
g.drawLine( x, y, x, y-10 );
g.drawLine( x, y, x+10, y );
public void paint( Graphics g ) { update( g );
2) Answer the following questions using the code below:
a) Write down steps to compile java program using JCreator text editor
b) Write down steps to debug logical and syntax errors in java program
c) How do you determine variables are initialized
d) Explain how do you Make sure class file has been created and interpreted correctly
importjava.applet.*; import java.awt.*; importjava.awt.event.*;
public class Keyboard3 extends Applet implementsKeyListener, MouseListener { int width, height; int x, y; String s = --;
Image backbuffer;
Graphics backg;
public void init() { width = getSize().width; height = getSize().height;
setBackground( );
x = width/2;
y = height/2;
backbuffer = createImage( width, height ); backg = backbuffer.getGraphics(); backg.setColor( ); backg.fillRect( 0, 0, width, height );
backg.setColor( );
addKeyListener( this );
addMouseListener( this );
public void keyPressed( KeyEvent e ) { } public void keyReleased( KeyEvent e ) { } public void keyTyped( KeyEvent e ) { char c = e.getKeyChar(); if ( c != KeyEvent.CHAR_UNDEFINED ) {
s = s + c;
backg.drawString( s, x, y ); repaint();
public void mouseEntered( MouseEvent e ) { } public void mouseExited( MouseEvent e ) { } public void mousePressed( MouseEvent e ) { } public void mouseReleased( MouseEvent e ) { }
public void mouseClicked( MouseEvent e ) {
x = e.getX(); y = e.getY(); s = --; repaint();
public void update( Graphics g ) {
g.drawImage(backbuffer, 0, 0, this );
g.setColor(Color.gray );
g.drawLine( x, y, x, y-10 );
g.drawLine( x, y, x+10, y );
public void paint( Graphics g ) { update( g );
3) Write a HTML code for Keyboard3 class file
4) How to Run the HTML file for the Java applet
5) How to check the run time and logical errors
6) How do you ensure appearance of the applet window satisfy the user requirements and organization standards
7) What is the Australian Computer Society Code of Ethics?
Assessment Task 2 – Practical Assessment
Instructions for completion • Read this assessment task, complete all the requirements and submit to the trainer/assessor by the due date
• Assessment tasks must be typed (not hand written)
• Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational skills
• Use of APA referencing must be used where original sources other than your own have been used – to avoid plagiarism
• Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of competency on each piece of paper you submit for assessment
Due Date • The trainer/assessor inform you of the due date
The due date for this task is _____________________________
Create an applet that satisfies the following requirements:
1. Source file named
2. Dimensions (width by height) should be 400 by 600.
3. Draws at least 20 visible graphic drawing elements. (Visible means someone who knew Java well could look at the applet and count them.)
4. Uses at least three kinds of visible graphic drawing elements (such as lines, arcs, and rectangles).
5. Uses at least three colors.
6. Use comments to describe what you are doing (but not all the details of how you are doing it, unless this is not obvious from the code). Often it is best to group several statements together and describe what the group is doing with a comment just before the group. Separate groups with blank lines when necessary to set them off.
Creativity of design is not required in this assignment, but you can take the opportunity to include imaginative element.
To view your applet, you will also need to create a MyGraphics.html file with the appropriate dimensions, but you are not required to submit this file. Before submitting the Java program, check that the Applet is displayed and the browser security settings are enabled.
Submit your in a CD to your facilitator. In this assessment make sure the facilitator should be able to interact with Applet without any difficulty.
You should demonstrate the following in front of your facilitator:
Step1: Create java Source File
With the help of text editor create a file
Create sub-class of the class java.applet.Applet.
Use init or paint methods and define classes
Initialise init method variable and create graphical interface in Applet sub-class
Execute paint and update methods for generating output.
Use event handling methods
Write code for the program
You should select GUI(Graphical User Interface) component, images , sounds and add comments to the applet.
Step2: Compile java Source File Source File
Compile Java source file with the compiler
Debug the errors
Check whether class file is created by the compiler
Step3: Run Apple
Create HTML file and add an APPLET tag
Create applet class , so that applet loads and executes correctly
Debug run time and logic errors.
Assessment Task 3 – Presentation
Instructions for completion • Read this assessment task, complete all the requirements and submit to the trainer/assessor by the due date
• Presentation must be in PowerPoint - a minimum of five slides
• Presentation should be engaging to ensure it holds audience attention
• Presentation is 15 minutes in duration with an additional 5 minutes for questions and answers
• Use of correct grammar and spelling is required to demonstrate foundational skills
• Use APA referencing when using or quoting other sources
• Write your name, student ID, the assessment task and the name of the unit of competency on each piece of paper you submit for assessment
Due Date • The trainer/assessor inform you of the due date
The due date for this task is _____________________________
For this assessment, you are to refer to assessment task 2 and prepare a presentation.
Your presentation must include the following:
Step1: How did you develop the source code for MyGraphics Java Applet. Your answer should include the following:
• Describe what Sub-class was used in the program
• Describe what Instance variable , local variable and Methods were used in the program
• Describe what Event handling methods were used in program
• Describe what multimedia components were in the program
Step2: How did you compile MyGraphics Java Applet. Your answer should include the following:
• How do you compile the program
• How do you debug the program
Step3: How did you runMyGraphics Java Applet. Your answer should include the following:
• How did you create the HTML file to run the Java applet
• How did you check the run time and logical errors
You will be given 15 minutes in class to deliver your presentation. At the end of the presentation you will have a 5 minutes question and answer session. The presentation should be simple, easy to understand and relatable to your audience.
Your trainer and assessor will be assessing you on:
• Communication skills to present information to others
• Audience engagement
• Information technology skills
• Literacy skills to present information that is easily understood by others
• Planning and organisational skills to plan, prioritise and monitor own work
• Research skills to gain and maintain relevant and current industry privacy and ethical information • Covering all items listed above
• Knowledge of the subject presented
Assessment Criteria
• review the requirements to provide an applet that executes in Java-enabled browsers, and allows users to customise the applet's operation
• write, compile and run an applet that accepts user input, and generates a response based on the input.