Recent Question/Assignment

Name: Surname:
Student ID:
Qualification: BSB61015
Training Package: BSB Business Service
Due Date: Week 9 Assessment Type:
Assessment Guidelines
Please read the following assessment guidelines carefully.
1. The purpose of this activity is to assess your knowledge and skills in Manage Human Resource Strategic Planning.
2. If you have any considerations that may affect your performance in the assessment, please inform your assessor immediately. Your assessor will provide you with a suitable alternative to complete this assessment.
3. Your assessor will mark your assessment and provide feedback and a grade to you via the assessment submission on Moodle.
4. If you feel the decision made by your assessor was incorrect you have the rights to appeal the grading through filling out an appeals form which will then be handle by the Academic Manager.
5. A “NYS” (not yet satisfactory) result of this task may be returned to you for a re-assessment. Re-assessments must be submitted by an agreed date with your assessor.
6. The re-assessment work must address the specific performance tasks beyond doubt for the assessor to issue a satisfactory (pass) result. A repeat NYS outcome could lead to an administration fee for further reassessment.
7. All work must be done individually. Copied work will not be accepted and
By adding my name to this document, I hereby declare the work is my own and has not been copied from any other source.
Student NAME:_______________________________________ Date:_________________
Assessment Overview
In this assessment there are three (4) individual tasks which need to be completed
Task A – Knowledge-based Questions
Task B – Research planning requirements
Task C – Develop human resources strategic plan
Task D – Implement human resources strategic plan
Each section needs to be completed and submitted to Moodle as part of your final submission.
There is a case study which compliments this assessment. The case study has been uploaded into Moodle as a separate document, you need to read through the case study in order to be able to complete the assessment.
If you cannot download the assessment advise your trainer, you will need to use both the case study and PowerPoint lecture slides to help you complete the assessment.
You must upload all documents into Moodle for your final submission.
Task A – Knowledge-based Questions
1. Describe what is meant by ‘strategic HR planning’.
2. List three political factors which will have a bearing on the legislation and regulation surrounding your business.
3. List five common options for sourcing labour.
4. List five potential objectives/targets which a strategic plan is required to address.
Task B– Research Planning Requirements
1. Review the case study on KCF and in a class discussion, discuss what you have learnt, including targets and goals which will impact on staff.
2. Research emerging practice and/or trends which can impact on KCF staff. (Emerging practices and/or trend can include changes in the way people buy or the community expectations, economic trends, new products or services which can be introduced.
For example the introduction of uber eats.)
3. Explain how this information you have researched will impact on KFC and the staff in the future? Include information such as if staffing will need to increase or decrease due to trends, skills required, skills staff will need to keep up with a changing trends in the market.
4. How will the changes on the market place affect the recruitment of staff?
5. Is there any changes to legislation which will impact on staffing? If so discuss then briefly?
Task C – Develop human resource strategy plan
1. Discuss ideas on how you can consult with senior management. In your discussion include copies of email, memos, minutes of meetings or notes confirming meeting discussion.
2. Discuss how you will gain agreements on values and policies. Your objectives and targets may include development of areas such as equal employment opportunity and diversity, human resources information systems, induction, industrial relations, job analysis and design, occupational health and safety, performance management, professional development, recruitment and selection, remuneration, staff retention and succession planning.
3. Document your strategic objectives and targets for the agreed plan
4. Select at least 2 options for achieving your objectives and targets. One of these must be your final choice. These could include external provision by a consultant or contractor/s, having the work performed elsewhere (outsourcing), internal human resources provision of the service/s, and internal non-human resources provision of the service/s and/or merging of business units. Discuss each and why you made the final choice that you made. Include a Cost Benefit Analysis for each of your chosen options.
5. Discuss your strategic human resource plan and mention how you will gain support from senior management ?
6. Develop a risk management plan to support the agreed strategic human resource plan and manage contingencies.
Task D - Implement human resource strategic plan
1. Discuss how you will work with others to see the plan is implemented. How will you monitor and review the plan?
2. How can the plan be adapted if circumstances change?
3. Discuss how you will evaluate and review the performance of the plan against the objectives?