Recent Question/Assignment

In this assignment, you may use your knowledge of the following concepts:
1) Math (+, %, ++, +=) and relational operators (!=, ==, , )
2) For loop, if-else
3) Arrays – accessing elements in a location, finding the length of the array
4) String class – length(), toCharArray(), charAt(), substring()
5) Making a simple method call to built-in classes and sending an input (known as argument)
Create a class called in a project called hw1firstlastname
In the main method of this class file, create a string called sentence and assign it a word or sentence of your choice. The rest of the assignment involves working with the contents of this sentence. You should test and ensure that your program works with sentences of different lengths and characters (letters/numbers/special characters).
We will use this sentence as a password starting phrase to automatically create a new password as follows.
10 Task 1. Create a new string called passwd formed by concatenating every alternate non-space character in sentence starting with the first. To do this, you need to a loop to go through the string sentence and retrieve characters from alternate index positions. If the extracted alternate character is NOT a space, then add it to the new String. Do not include spaces.
Print out the following.
Output The starting sentence is: ___________
Output The password in task 1 is: ___________
10 Task 2. If the length of passwd is even, extract a substring which is the first half of passwd and use this as the new passwd. Leave passwd as is if its length is odd. Print this passwd.
Output The password in task 2 is: ___________
10 Task 3. Convert passwd from task 2 to a character array called pwdArray. Sum the numeric value (Unicode value) of all the characters in pwdArray. To do this, create a new int variable called sum, and in a loop, add each char obtained from the array to sum (the underlying int value of the char will be obtained and added to sum). Once the loop has ended, divide this sum by 2 if the sum is even, or leave it as it is if the sum is odd. Then append the sum to the end of the passwd.
Print out the following.
Output The new password in task 3 is: ___________
Sample output 1 (passwd after step 1 is odd length)
The starting sentence is :B@n@n@_nut
The password is :Bnn_u
The password is :Bnn_u
The new password is :Bnn_u249
Sample output 2 (passwd after step 1 is even length)
The starting sentence is :B@n@n@_nuts
The password is :Bnn_us
The password is :Bnn
The new password is : Bnn143
Sample output 3 (if there are spaces in sentence, output)
The starting sentence is :B@n@n@ nuts
The password is :Bnnus
The password is :Bnnus
The new password is :Bnnus259
Basic style guidelines - It goes without saying, be neat in writing code. Use white space, indent blocks of code (hitting Alt-Shift-F in Netbeans will auto indent for you) – and use comments as needed to document what you are doing. Follow the naming style conventions discussed in class.
Deliverables – please zip your entire project folder containing the src sub-folder and the nbproject subfolder (the others are not necessary). Name the zip file and submit to Canvas dropbox.