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NUR231 Assessment Supplementary Task– Written piece
Assessment Name Supplementary assessment
Goal The goal of this task is to integrate and apply knowledge of pathophysiology and safe administration of medication to a patient scenario. This will also incorporate your creative and critical thinking in the application to the patient scenario. You will consider the professional, ethical and legal codes, and practice standards relevant to decision making and safe medication practice.
Product Written Piece
Length 2000 words
Weighting This is a pass/fail assessment
Individual/Group Individual
Formative/Summative Summative
How will I be assessed 5-criterion grading scale using the rubric provided
Due Date: Friday July 17th 2020 at 4 pm.
Presentation requirements This assessment task must:
• Be a written academic response to the case scenario provided as Supplementary Task emailed and available on Blackboard.
• Use Times New Roman font, size 12 with 1.5 line spacing
• Adhere to the word limit (+/-10%)
• Use Harvard referencing style
• Be submitted by the due date in an electronic format as a Word document via SafeAssign
What you need to do 1. The Supplementary Task case scenario is at the end of this guide and includes the questions that require a comprehensive written response.
2. Answer the questions clearly and precisely using academic writing style.
3. Support all responses with evidence-based scholarly academic sources that are cited using the Harvard referencing style in the text and reference list.
4. Adhere to the recommended word limit (+/- 10%).
Suggested Format Answer the questions clearly and logically.
Use the pharmacology resources such as the MIMS, Therapeutic Guidelines of Australia, Australian Medicines Handbook and Harvard’s Nursing Guide to Drugs to support your answers.
Use other evidence-based scholarly health literature to support and justify your discussions and interventions. (Intext references are included in the word count. The reference list is not included in the word count. The word count leniency is +/- 10%)
Resources needed to complete task • USC library links to online pharmacology databases eg MIMs
• Harvard Referencing Guide
• NMBA Registered Nurse Standards of Practice
• NMBA Midwife Standards for Practice

RUBRIC for NUR231 Supplementary Assessment Task
Criteria Pass Fail
1. Application of Nursing or Midwifery codes and standards to underpin decision making and safe medication practice (25%) Satisfactory description of the codes and standards demonstrating application of them in practice. Limited evidence of knowledge of the codes and standards related to practice. Codes and standards incorrectly applied.
2. Application of pathophysiological and pharmacological concepts to the case study, specific to safe medication administration (20%)
Satisfactory discussion of the relevant pathophysiology related to the case study. Medication safety accurately related to the pharmacological concepts in the case study. Incomplete or superficial discussion of the relevant pathophysiology related to the case study. Medication safety inaccurately related to the pharmacological concepts in the case study.
3. Application of pathophysiological and pharmacological concepts to the case study, specific to person-centred care (40%) Discussion of the case scenario details are satisfactory. Application of the professional codes and standards to person-centred care are satisfactory. Relevant conclusions are made about client needs. A descriptive account of the case scenario details with limited or no application of the professional codes and standards to person-centred care. Absence/ Inconsistent conclusions relevance to case scenarios
4. Evidence-based argument and justification of decisions, coherent written expression and presentation (10%) Satisfactory academic communication with minor errors only. Responses are supported by evidence. Academic communication contains several errors. Limited evidence supports the responses or evidence from sources is treated uncritically.
5. Referencing style conforms to Harvard referencing style used at USC (5%) Six or more appropriate references cited in the case scenario response. Generally consistent in the referencing technique. Inadequate number of scholarly sources. Incorrect referencing style and technique.
If you pass this supplementary assessment, then you will pass the NUR231 -Drug Therapy course. However, your grade will be no more than 50% of the overall grade for the course. The details of this process are outlined in the policy

Task 2 Case Scenario
Tommy is a 73-year-old retired man living in coastal south-east Queensland. He is in the surgical unit of the local hospital. He is recovering from an elective amputation of his left great toe. Tommy has had Type II diabetes for 20 years. He takes oral hypoglycaemic medications from the drugs classes of Biguanides and Sulphonylureas. His most recent HbBA1c was recorded as 7.5% (58mmol/mol).
Tommy had his surgery yesterday and he is recovering as anticipated. However, he has post-operative nausea and vomiting (PONV) that is impacting his ability to tolerate diet and fluids. He was prescribed an antiemetic.
Tommy is experiencing moderate pain. He has commenced taking his prescribed oral opioid medication PRN 6 hourly.
Lastly, Tommy was prescribed a prophylactic antibiotic to avoid a post-operative infection.
Q1. Describe why Tommy has PONV, by describing the pathophysiology of PONV. What is the most appropriate antiemetic for Tommy and how does it work? What other medical and nursing interventions could be implemented to manage this undesirable condition? (550 words)
Q2. Describe the relationship between Tommy’s diabetes and the need for amputation surgery. What are the actions (pharmacodynamics) of the medications that Tommy takes for his diabetes? What is the relevance of the HbA1c result and what does it mean about the management of Tommy’s diabetes? (550 words)
Q3. Explain the reasoning behind the frequency of the prescription for opioid medication and advise which medication would be best suited to Tommy’s circumstances. (250 words)
Q4. Which antibiotic would be best for Tommy to avoid a post-operative infection from this amputation surgery? Provide the details of the medication and the reason why it is best in this situation. Describe the professional codes and standards that influence the actions of the Registered Nurse in the pursuit of antimicrobial stewardship. Relate this discussion to the interventions appropriate to use with Tommy. (650 words)