Recent Question/Assignment

Module 7 is concerned with a variety of infectious diseases, its causes and transmission, host immune response and management of disease. There is a wide range of pathogens responsible for disease in humans, animals and plants. In this task, you will focus on the impact of infectious diseases on human populations during epidemics and pandemics.
Your task involves 5 parts (A, B, C, D and E).
Part A:
Create a tact sheet which provides information about Dengue Fever. This fact sheet should be one A4 page. The fact sheet can be single or double sided but ensure it is clear and concise for your target audience whic is the general public in South East Asia. You may also want to include relevant pictures to capture the attention of your audience.
This fact sheet must include the following:
- Scientific name
- Cause
- Mode of Transmission
- Host Response/Symptoms
- Strategies to prevent, control and treat disease
Part B:
Dengue fever is not endemic in Australia, which means the virus isn't here permanently/continuously. The majority of Australian confirmed cases acquired their infection overseas. The following data provide information about the number of overseas acquired cases of Dengue fever in Australia in 2017 and 2018.
State Number of overseas acquired cases in 2017
ACT 15
NSW 324
NT 40
QLD 302
SA 24
VIC 118
WA 502
Table 1.1
State Number of overseas acquired cases in 2018
1 ACT | 15 1
1 NSW 1 135
I NT 1 25 1
I QLD 1 118 1
1 SA I 10 1
1 TAS I 3 I
I VIC 1 103 1
I WA 318
Table 1.2
4rt B (cchibxued):
Using Table 1.1, const™
Based on the data providL P™' 8raph' (4 marks
and 2018. (3 marks) Pends and compare the number of Dengue fever cases in 2017
The number of Australian
Explain how the mode oft § rC^a^Ve^ much lower than other countries such as Bangladesh, lever as an example (3 I)1CI ^nJlllss’on °1 Pathogens influences the spread of diseases, using Dengue
The influenza virus has a hieh
contain proteins Anal i °^mu^at*on which can lead to changes of the viral surface antigens that health. You may also 6 ° lmPaCt high mutation rates for this virus and the implications for human
answer (word U™ t0 cons'^er the social and economic impacts of a high rate of mutation in your
' Urrllr. oOO).
Poft D:
sing examples of any infectious disease, why the combined use of quarantine and vaccination
S 3 m°re Elective way of controlling disease than using only one of these strategies (word limit: xj! t
Part E:
Complete a list of references in Harvard style. After, using TWO of your sources, write an evaluation using the CRAAP approach (word limit: 500).
The CRAAP Criteria:
- When was the information published or posted?
- Has the information been revised or updated?
- Is the information (also links) current or out of date for your topic?
- Does the information relate to your topic or answer your question?
- Who is the author/publisher/source/sponsor?
- What are the author's qualifications to write about the topic?
- Is the information supported by evidence?
- Has the information been reviewed or refereed?
- Can you verify any of the information in another source?
- Does the language or tone seem unbiased and is it free of emotion?
- Are there spelling or grammar errors, do links work?
- What is the purpose of the information?
- Do the authors/sponsors make their intentions or purpose clear?
- Are there political, ideological, cultural, religious, institutional, or personal biases?
PART A - Marking Criteria
Scientific name
Scientific name not provided correctly
Cause and mode of transmission Cause and mode of transmission not provided correctly.
Immune response and symptoms No immune responses or symptoms identified correctly.
Prevention, control and treatment No preventative measures, control or treatment provided correctly.
Presentation and graphics No serious attempt or no graphics included appropriately.
Creativity Minimal/ no effort demonstrated.
Some immune responses or symptoms identified correctly.
Cause or mode of transmission identified correctly.
Scientific name provided correctly.
Cause and mode of transmission identified correctly.
Most immune responses and symptoms outlined.
Cause and mode of transmission outlined.
Cause and mode of transmission outlined and explained clearly and concisely.
All appropriate immune responses and symptoms outlined.
All appropriate immune responses and symptoms outlined clearly and concisely.
Fact sheet is not organized. Some graphics provided.
A fairly generic piece of work provided.
Most preventative measures, controls and treatment identified.
Fact sheet is organized and legible. Graphics are provided appropriately.
All preventative measures, controls and treatment outlined.
A preventative measure, control or treatment identified.
Fact sheet is visually appealing. Information is organized and legible. Graphics are provided appropriately.
All preventative measures, controls and treatment outlined clearly and concisely.
Fact sheet is extremely visually appealing. Information is well organized and legible. Graphics are used in the correct context and complement information.
Thought and planning demonstrated clearly. Some creativity demonstrated.
Care, thought and planning clearly demonstrated. Originality and creativity fully demonstrated.
PART B - Marking Criteria
1. r Criteria Marks
Draws a column graph with: • axes labelled and scaled correctly o title o data plotted accurately • drawn neatly 4
Draws a substantially correct graph 3
Draws a graph with some correct information 2
Provides some relevant information 1
Criteria Marks
Describes trends in the data Provides an in-depth comparison of Dengue fever in 2017 and 2018 3
Outlines trends in the data Provides a comparison of Dengue fever in 2017 and 2018 2
Provides some relevant information 1
Criteria Marks
Explains how the mode of transmission of pathogens affects the spread of diseases, refers to Dengue Fever. 1 3
Outlines how one mode of transmission of a Dathooen affeeie i'-..., j disease OR Identifies modes of transmission ofpathogens SPread “ Provides some relevant information 2
PART C - Marking Criteria
Criteria Marks
• Indicates the progression from one mutation to another. • Explains relationships between the TWO components inclu ing the immune. • Explains appropriate implications on both survival of the virus and human health • Shows an in-depth understanding of the social and economic impacts • Insightful and well-crafted response that exhibit extensive knowledge and understanding of the syllabus 15
• Explains relationships between the TWO components • Describes appropriate implications on both survival of the virus AND human health • Shows a sound understanding of the social and economic impacts • Insightful response that exhibit thorough knowledge and understanding of the syllabus 12-14
• Describes relationships between the TWO components • Describes appropriate implications on both survival of the virus AND human health • Shows an understanding of the social and economic impacts • Response shows adequate knowledge and understanding of the syllabus 9-11
• Outlines between the TWO components • Outlines appropriate implications on both survival of the virus AND human health • Describes the social and economic impacts • Response shows a sound knowledge and understanding of the syllabus 1 7-8
• Identifies a relationship between the components • Identifies appropriate points that impact on virus survival AND/OR human health • Outlines the social and economic impacts • Response shows basic knowledge and understanding of the syllabus 4-6
• Identifies appropriate points that impact on virus survival AND/OR human health • Identifies the social and economic impacts • Response shows limited knowledge and understanding of the syllabus 2-3
• Identifies points appropriate to the theme 1
PART I) _ Marking Criteria
Marks ______
• Describes leatures of vaccination and quarantine programs in the prevention of disease • Explains the effectiveness of the combined use of the programs 7-8
Describes features of vaccination and quarantine programs in the prevention of disease • Outlines the effectiveness of the combined use of the programs 5-6
• Provides information relevant to the effectiveness of vaccination and quarantine programs 3-4
• Outlines a feature of vaccination or quarantine 2
• Provides some relevant information 1
PART E - Marking Criteria
Criteria 0 1 2 3 4
Variety and relevance of resources Sources are not relevant and no variety in publications Some sources chosen are relevant to the topic; one different publication types, such as books, journal papers, videos Sources chosen are highly relevant to the topic; more than three different publication types, such as books, journal papers, videos /2
Referencing There is little or no adherence to Harvard Style. There are some formatting errors. Referencing is formatted correctly in Harvard Style /2
Evaluation #1 Evaluation does not describe the source material; analysis offers no insight Evaluation shows a limited analysis of source using the CRAAP approach, offers little insight into the source material Evaluation shows a sound analysis of source using the CRAAP approach, offers some insight into the source material Evaluation shows a thorough analysis of source using the CRAAP approach, offers insight into the source material Evaluation shows an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of source using the CRAAP approach, offers great insight into the source material /4
Evaluation #2 Evaluation does not describe the source material; analysis offers no insight Evaluation shows a limited analysis of source using the CRAAP approach, offers little insight into the source material Evaluation shows a sound analysis of source using the CRAAP approach, offers some insight into the source material Evaluation shows a thorough analysis of source using the CRAAP approach, offers insight into the source material Evaluation shows an in-depth and comprehensive analysis of source using the CRAAP approach, offers great insight into the source material /4
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Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 2336 words including References


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