Recent Question/Assignment

Value: Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory
Due date: 17-Oct-2014
Return date: -
Length: 4,500 words
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Assignment 6 – Essay (Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory)
This assignment is designed to replace actual work placement hours. In this essay you will examine theories relating to work, careers and learning: namely motivation, communication and reflective practice
Please note that it would be an advantage to start this assignment at the beginning of week 1 of the session and work on this during the mid semester break.
Step instructions
You must answer ALL of the following questions:
Part 1: Motivation
1. Define and explain motivation
2. Explain the differences between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
3. Choose three different theories of motivation (such as the Three Needs, Equity, Expectancy or Goal setting Theories). Explain each of these three theories and then compare and contrast them to each other.
Part 2: Communication
1. Define and explain communication.
2. Investigate the difference between non-verbal and verbal communication. How are they different? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?
3. Choose three different theories of Communication (such as Lasswell, Shannon and Weaver’s models, Schramm’s circular model of communication, Berlo’s S-M-C-R model, Dance’s helical spiral, Barnlund’s transactional model or Fougler’s ecological model of communication). Explain each of these three theories and then compare and contrast them to each other.

Part 3: Reflective practice
1. Define and explain Reflective Practice. What is purpose of reflection? What are the features of reflective writing?
2. Define and explain Kolb’s theory of learning. Discuss how reflective writing fits with this theory.
The purpose of this assignment is to create a platform to evaluate the following learning objectives:
• Be able to discuss the relationship between learning and career and life development; apply this personally
Marking criteria
This assignment is marked as satisfactory or unsatisfactory only
All submissions need to be in Word document format and submitted via Turnitin.