Recent Question/Assignment

Project Assessment Task 1
1. Collect information on the different types of meetings that can occur in a workplace.
• Describe in detail: formal, semi-formal, virtual and informal meetings and give examples of each
Formal Meeting
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
Semi-formal Meeting
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
Virtual Meeting
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
Informal Meeting
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Describe why these meetings are held
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Who attends these meetings
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
2. Research & explain the meeting requirements the following types of companies:
• Proprietary Company meeting requirements
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Public Company meeting requirements
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Listed Company meeting requirements
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
3. Define in detail these meeting terms:
• Chairperson
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Secretary
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Treasurer
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Abstention
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Adjournment
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Agenda
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Motion
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Casting vote
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Proxy
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Tabled
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
4. Select a venue in your area and research and report on the costs for the following:
• Room Hire
• Catering costs
- Morning tea
- Lunch
- Afternoon tea
• Equipment hire
- Overhead projector
- Electronic whiteboard
- Data projector
(Insert Brochure along with the link)
5. What documentation is required when organising and managing a formal meeting?
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
Include a description of who is responsible for the documentation and indicate any timelines required for this documentation.
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
6. Write a report on the skills and qualities needed to manage efficient meetings.
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online, report should be at least 200 words)
7. Describe legal and ethical requirements that you must be aware of while managing a meeting.
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
8. When planning and managing a meeting there are a number of tasks that can, and should be delegated. List the types of tasks that could fall in this category and the benefits associated with delegating these tasks to other staff members.
List of tasks that can be delegated
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
Benefits of delegating these tasks
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
9. Read the case study and prepare an agenda for the following meeting:
Case Study:
Coco - Knight Clothing Company (CKCC) will hold a meeting on the first Monday of next month. The meeting will take place in the Board Room at CKCC premises – 18 Mary Street, Smithtown, Vic. The meeting is for the Department Managers of CKCC.
The meetings always commence at 2pm. The next meeting will include a varied discussion on topics such as: sales results, new company car acquisition, Italian fabric wholesalers, company travel expenditure, recruitment needs (2 positions to be filled), scheduling of staff performance appraisals and implementation of new WHS procedure.
(Week 1 Class Activity)
Meeting Chairperson:
Meeting Topics:
Agenda Item Presented by:
I. Introduction and Welcome Chairperson
(Insert answer according to the case study given in Question 9)
10. Explain the role of the minute taker and the interaction undertaken before, during, and after a meeting.
Role of a minute taker before meeting
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
Role of a minute taker during meeting
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
Role of a minute taker after meeting
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
11. All communication with participants relating to organising a meeting must be undertaken with culturally appropriate communication techniques. Explain what is meant by this.
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
12. Describe the layout you would use for the following meeting types:
• Formal presentations to large groups
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Medium-sized participative meetings
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Small meetings for debate and discussion
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Relaxed team meetings for planning and creative sessions
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
13. Describe in detail the following legislation and how it affects business operations regarding
managing meetings?
Answer should be written in relations to meetings and not a general answer or a definition
• anti-discrimination legislation
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• ethical principles
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• codes of practice
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• privacy laws
(Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Copyright
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
• Work health and safety
• (Insert answer and provide link or reference if it’s researched online)
Case Study Assessment Task 2 Part 1
NOTICE OF MEETING (Week 2 Class Activity 1)
Notification Date:
Meeting Requested By:
Meeting Date:
Meeting Location:
Reason for Meeting:
The above mentioned meeting shall take place in accordance with COMPUTERS R’ US meeting Policy / Procedure and has been approved by the Manager as indicated below. All requirements of this meeting are the responsibility of the Chair as nominated below.
Meeting requested by
Sign insert date
Chairperson Name Chairperson Signature Date
Meeting approved by
Sign insert date
Manager Name Manager Signature Date
Part 1
Meeting Agenda (Week 2 Class activity 2)
Meeting Chairperson:
Agenda Item Presented By:
I. Introduction and Welcome Chairperson
Part 3
MINUTES (Week 2 Class activity 3)
Meeting Chairperson:
Minute Taker:
Item Content Action
Review Minutes from Previous Meeting Minutes Reviewed and accepted
Introduction and Welcome
Agenda Items I.
Further Items of Discussion
Outcomes and Decisions
Future meetings
Part 3 Information sheets
Launch of three new electronic products
Market Analysis
Product 1
(Please paste the picture of Product 1 along with the features and benefits (Copy paste from your Powerpoint slides)
Product 2
(Please paste the picture of Product 1 along with the features and benefits (Copy paste from your Powerpoint slides)
Product 3
(Please paste the picture of Product 1 along with the features and benefits (Copy paste from your Powerpoint slides)
Marketing Plan
Project sales and profits
Part 2 Handouts
Computer R’Us Power Point Presentation
Create a power point presentation with at least 5 slides or more
Power point presentation will include the three new electronic products to be launched along with their features and benefits explained in the case study on page 9.
Please prepare the slides on the power point template provided