Recent Question/Assignment

Module 8
Term and Year Term 4 2018
Qualification : BSB50215 Diploma of Business
Unit Code: BSBINN501
Unit Title: Establish systems that support innovation
Assessment Task 1: Idea pitch demonstration
Task 2: Practical case scenario brief analysis
Student Name:
Student ID No:
Assessor’s Name: Andrey Loburets
Student Declaration: I declare that this work has been completed by me honestly and with integrity. I understand that the Elite Education Vocation Institute’s Student Assessment, Reassessment and Repeating Units of Competency Guidelines apply to these assessment tasks.
Student Name:
Student Signature:
Assessment submission (new) requirements
Please save this file as PDF format(include your name to the filename) before uploading onto Moodle.
Assessment deadlines penalty
It is expected that unless a simple extension, special consideration or disability services adjustment has been granted, candidates will submit all assessments for a unit of study on the specified due date. If the assessment is completed or submitted within the period of extension, no academic penalty will be applied to that piece of assessment.
If an extension is either not sought, not granted or is granted but work is submitted after the extended due date, the late submission of assessment will result in a late penalty fee. For further information, please refer to the Assessment Policy.
Assessment/evidence gathering conditions
Each assessment component is recorded as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Yet Satisfactory (NYS). A student can only achieve competence when all assessment components listed under procedures and specifications of the assessment section are Satisfactory. Your trainer will give you feedback after the completion of each assessment. A student who is assessed as NYS is eligible for re-assessment. Should the student fail to submit the assessment, a result outcome of Did Not Submit (DNS) will be recorded.
Principles of Assessment
Based on Clauses 1.8 – 1.12 from the Australian Standards Quality Assurance’s (ASQA) Standards for Registered Training Organizations (RTO) 2015, the learner would be assessed based on the following principles:
Fairness - (1) the individual learner’s needs are considered in the assessment process, (2) where appropriate, reasonable adjustments are applied by the RTO to take into account the individual leaner’s needs and, (3) the RTO informs the leaner about the assessment process, and provides the learner with the opportunity to challenge the result of the assessment and be reassessed if necessary.
Flexibility – assessment is flexible to the individual learner by; (1) reflecting the learner’s needs, (2) assessing competencies held by the learner no matter how or where they have been acquired and, (3) the unit of competency and associated assessment requirements, and the individual.
Validity – (1) requires that assessment against the unit/s of competency and the associated assessment requirements covers the broad range of skills and knowledge, (2) assessment of knowledge and skills is integrated with their practical application, (3) assessment to be based on evidence that demonstrates that a learner could demonstrate these skills and knowledge in other similar situations and, (4) judgement of competence is based on evidence of learner performance that is aligned to the unit/s of competency and associated assessment requirements.
Reliability – evidence presented for assessment is consistently interpreted and assessment results are comparable irrespective of the assessor conducting the assessment
Rules of Evidence
Validity – the assessor is assured that the learner has the skills, knowledge and attributes, as described in the module of unit of competency and associated assessment requirements.
Sufficiency – the assessor is assured that the quality, quantity and relevance of the assessment evidence enables a judgement to be made of a learner’s competency.
Authenticity – the assessor is assured that the evidence presented for assessment is the learner’s own work. This would mean that any form of plagiarism or copying of other’s work may not be permitted and would be deemed strictly as a ‘Not Yet Competent’ grading.
Currency – the assessor is assured that the assessment evidence demonstrates current competency. This requires the assessment evidence to be from the present or the very recent past.
Resources required for this Assessment
• All documents must be created using Microsoft Office suites i.e., MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint
• Upon completion, submit the assessment via the student learning management system to your trainer along with the completed assessment coversheet.
• Refer the notes on eLearning to answer the tasks
• Any additional material will be provided by Trainer
Instructions for Students
Please read the following instructions carefully
• This assessment is to be completed according to the instructions given by your assessor.
• Students are allowed to take this assessment home.
• Feedback on each task will be provided to enable you to determine how your work could be improved. You will be provided with feedback on your work within 2 weeks of the assessment due date.
• Should you not answer the questions correctly, you will be given feedback on the results and your gaps in knowledge. You will be given another opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge and skills to be deemed competent for this unit of competency.
• If you are not sure about any aspect of this assessment, please ask for clarification from your assessor.
• Please refer to the College re-assessment and re-enrolment policy for more information.
Procedures and Specifications of the Assessment
Task 1
Learners are required to achieve an understanding of how the Australian government support the innovation growth in the country through its ‘The Innovation Connections’ initiative.
Choosing from a selection of case studies located in the Moodle (folder labelled BSBINN501 case studies), Learners are to provide an idea pitch to senior management (your trainer would undertake this role) to propose an innovative idea for the selected company to consider as part of its future business objectives.
Learners are to use the template within this assessment tool to develop a potential idea that could provide a new product/ service that is innovative within the local industry in Australia. This idea should not be happening currently here, but elements of it, or very similar projects could be happening outside of Australia or the company.
The idea pitch demonstration would lead the Learner to work through the process of developing an idea, pitch the idea proposal and obtain feedback on the areas presented which includes:
• Section 1 – Idea overview
• Section 2 – Measuring market potential
• Section 3 – The conceptual idea
• Section 4 – Value proposition
The idea pitch would be assessed based on criteria on the following:
• The criteria assessment is defined against the 4 sections which would have a ‘Yes’, ‘Pending’ and ‘No’ check boxes with a commentary column to provide additional information/ rationale to the evaluation.
• A scoring system would be tabulated according to the number of check boxes indicated during the evaluation step (as above) to derive a relative measure to ascertain the approval decision for the idea pitched. This would also include feedback and approval from senior management (your trainer would undertake this role).

Task 2
The learner is required to then required to:
• explain how the new system supports innovation in the organisation
• explain the concepts and theories of change management including ways of introducing change in different organisational contexts and change management communication strategies
• explain the concepts and theories of innovation and how these link to innovation in practice
• explain techniques for generating, testing and evaluating concepts and options for new systems
• analyse the technical context in which the system is being developed
• outline the typical ways in which systems may present barriers to innovation.•

Task 1
1. Choose any of the case studies that are available in Moodle and provide a discussion on the following questions:
Name of company
Company background
Business objectives
Innovation area expertise
Current business performance Profits/ sales
Market reach
Performance gap/s identified
Future business direction
Proposed new innovation direction
Resources needed to support new direction

2. Using the National Innovation and Science Agenda website ,provide a brief discussion on the following
Explain what is ‘The Agenda’
List out the areas which the Agenda can assist businesses

Discuss what is ‘The Innovation Connections’ initiative
What are the pre-requisites (eligibility criteria) for a business to obtain support from ‘The Innovation Connections’

3. Based on Q1, prepare and pitch the new innovation idea to senior management (your trainer would represent this role) in order to get support and approval for this project. Ensure that this pitch would be presented in line with specific organisational objectives and business feasibility.
Demonstration/ observation checklist
Learner’s name
Assessor’s name
Work/ task activity
Idea Pitch Template
Section 1: Idea overview Name of idea
Illustration of idea
Opportunity justification
Idea inspiration

Section 2: Measuring market potential Target audience
(size, purchasing power)
(market segment can be reached and served)
1. Sustainability/ profitability
(segment profitability)
(attracting and servicing a given market segment)
Section 3: The conceptual idea Concept idea # 1
Concept idea # 2
Selection of concept idea (please tick box) ? Concept idea # 1 ? Concept idea # 2
Rationale of selected innovation idea
How does this fit into the organisation’s range of product portfolio

Section 4: Value proposition Value generated Returns-On-Investment
Different or better
Delivers value/ solves problem
Doable/ practical
Resources required to support new idea
(how can ‘The Innovation Connections play a role here)
Impact on competition
Cost-benefit analysis Cost
Critical success factors

Section 5: Operationalization 4. Develop an operational plan for the system, with budget, timelines and responsibilities
Phases of activities Resources needed
(What are the supporting measures needed?) Budget
(How much budget would be allocated in % means) Responsibility
(who will be in charge of this task) Timeline (insert bar chart over timescale)
Year 1 Year 2 Year 3
2. Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4
Initiation (idea)
Definition (what?)
Design (how?)
Development (how to implement?)
Implementation (commencement of project)
Follow-up (monitor and review)
Prepared by
Student’s name Student’s signature

5. Initiate the trial, taking account of all required consultative, coaching and technical issues
Section 6: Expectations of project Checklist of elements Date to complete Responsible Comments(on time, delayed, pending, revamp)
Preconditions Legislation
Workplace regulations
Approval requirements
Expert consultation
Functional requirements Quality of project
Time-bound expectations
Specialised skillset
Consultation review
Operational requirements Additional staffing
Training requirements
Technical knowledge
Troubleshooting review
Quality control measures
Design limitations Development constraint/s
Technical specification fit
Technology upgrade need
WHS staff issues
Layout and installation
Design guidelines review

6. Develop a communication strategy to support the introduction of the new system
Section 7: Communication strategy Audience Information to be communicated Responsible Objective Medium When?
Senior management -Planning activities
-Execution progress
-Findings Project Leader Affirm innovation idea and seek approval Fortnightly meetings TBD
Planning team
Line Managers
General staffing
Prepared by
Student’s name Student’s signature

7. Idea Pitch Checklist (trainers please ?)
Processual elements Yes Pending No Comments (if any)
Section 1 Name of idea ? ? ?
Illustration of idea ? ? ?
Opportunity justification ? ? ?
Idea inspiration ? ? ?
Section 2 Measurability(size, purchasing power) ? ? ?
Accessibility(market segment can be reached and served) ? ? ?
3. Sustainability/ profitability(segment profitability) ? ? ?
Actionability(attracting and servicing a given market segment) ? ? ?
Section 3 Concept idea # 1 ? ? ?
Concept idea # 2 ? ? ?
Selection of concept idea (please tick box) ? ? ?
Rationale of selected innovation idea ? ? ?
How does this fit into the organisation’s range of product portfolio ? ? ?
Section 4 Value generated 4. Returns-On-Investment ? ? ?
5. Different or better ? ? ?
Delivers value/ solves problem ? ? ?
6. Doable/ practical ? ? ?
Resources required to support new idea ? ? ?

Impact on competition ? ? ?
Critical success factors ? ? ?
Section 5: Operationalization Resources needed ? ? ?
Budget ? ? ?
Responsibility ? ? ?
Timeline ? ? ?
Section 6: Expectations of project Preconditions ? ? ?
Functional requirements ? ? ?
Operational requirements ? ? ?
Design limitations ? ? ?
Section 7: Communication strategy Senior management ? ? ?
Planning team ? ? ?
Line managers ? ? ?
Supervisors ? ? ?
General staffing ? ? ?
Vendors ? ? ?
Scoring average total
(between yes, pending and no)

8. Consultation to improve/ refine idea presented
Approval by
Overall evaluation (please ?) ? Approval ? Pending ? Reject
Trainer’s name
Trainer’s signature Date

Task 2
1. Discuss how the use of a select Australian government agencies are able to provide local companiesspecialized assistance to assist its innovation planning process.
(search under Running your business/ innovation)
(search under the Business folder)
(search for Innovation folder)
2. Provide a discussion on the potential impact of the introducing an innovativechange on the following:
a. People
b. Resources
c. Process
d. Technology
3. Evaluate the coaching and training needs of those who will use the system and plan a learning and development strategy based on the following questions:
a. Why do organisations choose coaching as an option for learning and development strategy?
b. Explain the GROW Model i. Goal
ii. Reality
iii. Options
iv. Will
c. What are the benefits of conducting a Training Need Analysis?
d. Discuss the importance of providing training to align employees to meet the new system/ innovation business processes requirements.
4. Discuss the considerations when developing the training plan on the following:
a. Needs assessment
b. Learning objectives
c. Learning styles
d. Delivery mode
e. Audience consideration
f. Content development
g. Time lines
h. Communication of training
i. Measuring effectiveness
5. Provide a discussion on appropriate context and parameters to trial the innovation process based on PDCA Cycle:
a. Initiation stage Plan
(market research, contextual design)
b. Incubation and creation stage Do
(idea generation, concept development, brainstorming)
(evaluation, control of performance, incubation)
c. Implementation Act
(pilot users, test beds, living labs, integration and refactorig)
6. Provide a discussion why is it important to monitor and review the innovation trial on the following basis:
a. The purpose of evaluation of the new innovation
b. Key evaluation criteria (defining the evaluation areas) i. Effectiveness
(achieving desired objectives)
ii. Efficiency
(whether operational activities are running smoothly)
iii. Appropriateness
(timing of economic certainty, user relevancy)
iv. Strategic policy alignment
(consistent with long-term competitive advantage)
v. Performance assessment
(are key performance indicators achieved)
7. Monitor and review the innovation trial in relation to its goals for fostering innovation on the following:
a. Why is it important to monitor project efficiency by time tracking?
b. Why is it important to monitor project efficiency by budget tracking?
c. How can team effort promote efficiency in the review and evaluation process?
d. Discuss what the review report should achieved

Assessment Submission Checklist to be completed by the Trainer/Assessor
Unit name: BSBINN501 Establish systems that support innovation
Assessment: Task 1
Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following(please ?): Yes No
1. Provide a discussion on the short questions?
2. Submit within agreed timeframe?
3. Submit within agreed timeframe?
Has the learner proven they can(please ?): Yes No Assessor’s Noteson Performance Criteria
1.1 Explore and analyse the impact of systems in the overall context of innovation
1.2 Explore and gain clarity around system objectives, particularly in relation to innovation
1.3 Analyse current organisational systems to identify gaps or barriers to innovation
1.4 Research and analyse current and emerging information about systems in other organisations and contexts
1.5 Evaluate the resources and other commitment required to foster innovation
1.6 Identify key stakeholders who can play a role in conceptualising or supporting new system ideas
2.1 Create system concepts that will foster innovation using individual and group techniques
2.2 Evaluate and discuss a range of ideas with relevant stakeholders
2.3 Clearly articulate the ways in which innovation is better supported by system ideas and options
2.4 Clearly articulate how the system itself is innovative
2.5 Expose ideas and options to ongoing testing, exploration and challenge
2.6 Select and refine system ideas that meet the workplace requirements and which are both feasible and innovative
3.3 Consult with all stakeholders who will be involved with, or affected by, the new system
3.4 Develop an operational plan for the system, with budget, timelines and responsibilities
4.1 Present and consult on system proposals with relevant stakeholders
4.2 Analyse and integrate feedback into the system development process
4.4 Initiate the trial, taking account of all required consultative, coaching and technical issues
4.6 Open the improvement process to ongoing collaborative input and challenge
4.7 Adjust system to reflect evaluation feedback
Feedback and result outcome for Task 1 (please ? )
Not Yet Satisfactory
Re-assessment required

Assessment Submission Checklist to be completed by the Trainer/Assessor
Unit name: BSBINN501 Establish systems that support innovation
Assessment: Task 2
Assessment Submission Checklist to be completed by the Trainer/Assessor
Did the student complete and provide evidence for the following(please ? ): Yes No
1. Provide a discussion on the short questions?
2. Submit within agreed timeframe?
Has the learner proven they can(please ? ): Yes No
3.1 Determine the need for specialised assistance and integrate into system planning
3.2 Analyse the potential impact of the new system on people, resources and other organisational practices
3.6 Evaluate the coaching and training needs of those who will use the system and plan a learning and development strategy
3.6 Evaluate the coaching and training needs of those who will use the system and plan a learning and development strategy
4.3 Determine appropriate context and parameters for the trial process
4.5 Monitor and review the trial in relation to its goals for fostering innovation
Feedback and result outcome for Task 2 (please ? )
Not Yet Satisfactory
Re-assessment required
Assessment Summary Result(please ? )
Task 1 Case/ demonstration/ observation S NYS DNS
Task 2 Short questions S NYS DNS
Final Assessment Result for this unit C NYC
Feedback is given to the student on each Assessment task on Moodle YES NO
Feedback is given to the student on final outcome of the unit on Moodle YES NO
The result of my performance in this unit has been discussed and explained to me (please place signature below)
Student’s Signature Date
Trainer/ Assessor’s declaration: I hereby certify that the above student has been assessed by myself and all assessments are carried out as required by the Principles of Assessments (Clause 1.8 of the Standards for RTO 2015).
Trainer/ Assessor’s Initials Date
Appeal Process (only for mitigating circumstances)
I would like to appeal the outcome of this assessment as per the appeals procedure in the Student Handbook
Student’s Signature Date

Editable Microsoft Word Document
Word Count: 5749 words including Template

Selected Company: Samsung

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