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BSBADM311 Maintain business resources
BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices ASSESSMENT COVER SHEET
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ILSC Business College: BSBADM311 & BSBSUS301 Assessment Version 5.0817 Page 1 of 24
BSBADM311 Maintain business resources
You work for a spare parts, sales and service company as an administration and purchase officer. In this role, you manage the usage of the capital resources owned by the company, which include equipment and vehicle up-grades and replacements.
You also monitor the usage of material resources according to company policy and procedures.
The company has decided to replace the manager’s company car a “2015 2.5L Toyota Camry” and up-grade the “Konica Minolta” office printer.
For this Case Study, you will choose either:
A. the company car (capital resource); Petrol (material resource) or
B. the office printer (capital resource); Paper (material resource)
A. Toyota Camry 2.5L Company Car
Based on usage data from previous years, the car is budgeted to travel approximately 75.2km per day, Monday to Friday. The average fuel consumption for the company vehicle is 9 litres per
100 kilometres. (fuel and resource costs are according to current prices) or
B. Konica Minolta Office Printer
Your work team includes you and 4 other staff members who use the printer 5 days per week; Monday to Friday.
Based on usage data from previous years, the printer produces approximately 15,000 printed sheets per year. (Purchased in reams X 500 pages per ream at a cost of $4.00 ea.)
Activity 1: Business equipment advice
1. Identify a capital resource and material resource. (refer to this capital resource for other activities)
Write the name of your Capital Resource Write the name of the Material Resource
2. Estimate the weekly usage of material resources using the information for the car or printer.
Mon Tues Wed Thurs Fri Total
Weekly estimate
3. Estimate a weekly budget for material resources and expenses to operate the capital resource. (Research current prices either by relevant brand or generic brands)
Material resources Unit price Units Total cost $
Other expenses: e.g. Service costs or power costs.
4. You will monitor actual usage of the car or printer at regular intervals over a three-week period. (Fill in the table on the next page).
Company car
According to the usage estimate [Q.2] calculate the actual usage for each day, 3 days per week for 3 weeks based on usage activities as below.
Week 1 Car Log-book usage activity
Monday Picked up extra supplies - 20% increase of usage
Wednesday Due to traffic delays – decrease in usage by 5%
Friday Delivered a special product order – 50% increase in usage
Week 2
Monday Assisted with deliveries – 40% increase in usage
Wednesday Average usage
Friday Attended a product launch – 60% increase in usage
Week 3
Monday Attended a meeting in another city – 100% increase in usage
Wednesday Average usage estimate
Friday Special product delivery order - 60% increase in usage
Office Printer
According to the usage estimate [Q.2] calculate the actual usage for each day, 3 days per week for 3 weeks based on usage activities as below.
Week 1 Printer usage activity
Monday Extra orders sent out - 20% increase of usage
Wednesday Printing problems – decrease in usage by 10%
Friday Re-print from Wednesday & Thursday – 50% increase in usage
Week 2
Monday Problem with printer- out sourced printing – no usage
Wednesday Average usage
Friday Forgot to order replacement ink cartridge 80% decrease in usage
Week 3
Monday Constant paper jams – decrease in usage 5%
Wednesday Copier out of action for 4 hours- a 10% decrease in usage
Friday Average usage estimate
Actual usage table
Week 1
Material Resource Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
Petrol per Litres Average usage Average usage
A4 paper sheets Average usage Average usage
Week 2
Material Resource Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
Petrol per Litres Average usage Average usage
A4 paper sheets Average usage Average usage
Week 3
Material Resource Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Total
Petrol per Litres Average usage Average usage
A4 paper sheets Average usage Average usage
5. Identify and discuss any trends or variations in usage.
e.g. Is it following the same pattern every week? Or is there variation?
Trends & Variations
6. Conduct preliminary research. (Car or Printer)
Which supplier or replacement model are you considering?
a. Search the internet for reviews about the current supplier/brand. What are people saying about the brand/supplier that could influence your decision?
7. Gain feedback from users on preferred supplier/model in a simulated situation.
Develop a survey – “Create appropriate questions”. Think about how feedback influences your choices?
User __________________________________________ Date:
Questions (relative to your capital resource)
How does feedback influence your choice?
8. Recommend three (3) products (car or printer) including supplier/model based on results of reviews.
9. Identify specifications to meet team/user requirements for your three (3) products from above. Fill in the table below.
Capital resource brand/model
Three key Features
Three key
Return policy
10. Compare strengths and weaknesses. Use the following table to compare your (3) three capital resource suppliers/models.
Capital resource brand/model Strengths Weaknesses
11. Using the information collected, choose your preferred supplier/model and give a brief explanation for your choice. Reasons could include:
? user requirement based on survey
? Will meet future usage based in analysis of usage
? Is cost effective
Preferred Supplier/model:
Activity 2: Preventative maintenance
In the workplace, the maintenance and troubleshooting of business resources are critical. Costly breakdowns and losses can often be avoided or reduced with some basic preventative maintenance and troubleshooting skills.
Using your chosen capital resource from (activity 1), provide the following:
? Preventative maintenance procedure (e.g. a daily pre-start check)
? Troubleshooting procedure (e.g. how to fix a paper jam / manual handing of paper resources or how to change a car tire) Print out a trouble shooting guide for your capital resource and attach to your assessment.
12. Name of your capital resource. (Same as your choice for Q.11)
13. Where could you source information on how the capital equipment works? List at least four
(4) examples.
14. Develop a daily (or weekly) preventative maintenance procedure and checklist for users of the equipment.
Daily preventative maintenance procedure
Day/week: __________________________ Date: ___________________
1. Check _________________________________________________________________
2. Check __________________________________________________________________________
3. Clean ___________________________________________________________________
4. Check ____________________________________________________________________
Signed by: ____________________________
15. Research the internet for a Trouble Shooting Guide for your capital resource and attach with submission. Provide details of what the guide is used for and a reference. Hint: changing a flat tyre, printer paper jam.
16. Develop safe handling procedures for material resources used with your capital equipment.
e.g. filling the car with petrol, water or oil or handing a toner cartridge.
Potential risk / hazard Procedure
17. Create a brief email to your manager or HSR to ensure that your procedures comply with organisational WHS requirements. Ask your trainer to sign for approval of the procedures.
Trainer/Assessor signature: ______________________________________
Activity 3. Visual controls
A common problem a lot of businesses must deal with is running out of supplies. Sometimes stock levels of materials can drop without the knowledge of the person responsible for reordering. To assist with avoiding this problem, you will develop:
? a system for a tracking usage and reordering material resources.
? a bar chart that identifies the reorder lead times with at least three suppliers (to ensure that you have reliable supply).
18. Choose at least six (6) material resources for an office environment that run out regularly.
(e.g. resources could be used for printing, coffee machine, office supplies)
19. Identify the key users or team members that would use these material resources.
20. Hold a brainstorming session as part of a group to discuss a method that could provide a visual solution for supply levels. This should be quite simple and easy for people to understand. Describe your solution or use an illustration.
21. Using the material resources from [Q.18], identify the resupply lead times. (Expected time for a product to arrive from order to delivery).
Material resources Lead times
22. Create a bar chart or line graph showing re-order lead times from above.
BSBSUS401 Implement and monitor environmentally sustainable work practices
Clarke is a legal administration officer for Flinders, a large law firm in the heart of Melbourne. He has been employed in the role for the past 2 years and works with a team of 15 lawyers and 10 legal support staff.
Clarke recently attended an environmental and sustainability presentation by the former Greens party leader Bob Brown, who spoke about climate change, conservation, pollution, waste and recycling. He spoke passionately about the need for change and the impact the workplace has on the environment.
Clarke thought about his workplace and realised that the company did not have any policy or procedures to support sustainable practices. He has decided to research environmental and sustainable practices, investigate Flinders current position and report back to management in the hope that he can bring the necessary changes to his workplace.
Review the case study information and provide responses to questions that will form a report for your manager that:
? identifies relevant environmental regulations and industry best practice for efficient use of resources.
? measure and document current resource usage of members of the work group
? set targets for improvements
? reviews current resources usage (from case study provided) and feedback from stakeholders provided.
? suggest areas for improvement, including efficiency targets, environmental & resource efficiency management.
? use and/or develop evaluation and monitoring, tools and technology
? document and communicate outcomes to report on efficiency targets to key personnel and stakeholders
Activity 1. Sustainability and environmental regulations
Watch the presentation video that inspired Clarke and provide information on environmental regulations and practices.
1. Research legislation and environmental policy as it applies to sustainability in Australia, and briefly describe their objectives.
a. Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act)
b. Government Department of Environment and Energy - “What are the aims of the National Waste Policy?
2. What tools could Clarke use and how could they be used to identify the main causes of waste or inefficiency?
3. Who or what could assist Clarke to determine best sustainable practices?
4. Identify the communication process Clarke could implement to gain contributions from key stakeholders and reduce resistance in the development of sustainability policy.
Activity 2 - Research and review resource usage
Investigate current practices
Clarke examined Finders current work practices, spoke to staff and determined the following:
? No system in place for purchasing materials, staff phone small orders when levels run low. (there is no consistency.)
? All staff replace cartridges and throw old ones in the garbage.
? Staff do not manage printer cartridge replacement and no recycling.
? Staff follow general printing practices.
? All the firm documents are printed out, including emails and stored in physical files in a rental space in the basement!
? Disposable water cups are used at the water cooler by staff and lawyers.
? Computers and lights are often left on overnight.
Clarke examined Finders current equipment and resources:
? Flinders currently has 25 full-time staff.
? 7 laser printers (6 out of 7 have the same brand, 1 out of 7 is coloured, which is rarely used, since it is currently out of black ink and has not been replaced for over 3 months). ? 2 commercial size photocopiers.
Clarke identified general usage:
? One laser toner equivalent is 12000-15000 pages.
? One photocopier toner equivalent is 35000 pages
Answer questions below:
5. Nominate three (3) areas that should be included in the scope of Flinders sustainability policy.
6. Study the information on current work practices and January expenses. Identify two key areas that could be better managed for Flinders. (write your response in the space below).
January expenses:
Activity 3 - Research efficiency evaluation and plan
For this task, you are required to develop an environmental and resource management plan with resource usage efficiency targets. This will include:
? how the plan could be implemented
? how the plan could be monitored
? how you could evaluate the plan
Review the case study description above and complete the following:
7. Identify five (5) improvement suggestions Clarke could recommend toward the efficiency target plan? (Review case study information)
8. Transfer three (3) suggestions from [Q7] to the Efficiency Target Plan on the next page.
Efficiency Targets Plan
Action Potential opportunity
Estimated saving Capital cost Payback period
Target Target Date
Switch off computer terminals at night Reduces energy use overnight 32 work stations x
$95 = $3,000
(according to ecoBiz) Nil N/A 95% of computers switched off overnight when audited 2 months
ILSC Business College: BSBADM311 & BSBSUS301 Assessment Version 5.0817 Page 19 of 24
9. Suggest a reward strategy for the Flinders team that could be implemented to support achievement of efficiency targets. How would you encourage people to try to reach efficiency targets?
10. Identify the monitoring and evaluation methods Clarke could use to evaluate progress against Flinders efficiency targets.
11. What tools, techniques and strategies can be used to assist and educate Flinders staff to implement efficiency targets?
Activity 4: Monthly Newsletter
For this task, you are required to prepare a Monthly e-newsletter for the Flinders workplace. You will find a Newsletter Template in Moodle, “unit resources” to use for this section. Add images and relevant information under each heading, outlined below.
In your newsletter, you will include:
? “Did you know the Government . . .
? “A Flinders Success Story” . . .
? “Progress Towards Efficiency Targets”
? “Flinders this month have saved . . .”
? “The Sustainable Work Practice of the Month . . .”
? Create a suggestion Box
12. Introduce and briefly describe a current piece of legislation or regulatory document that has relevance to the workplace and Flinders ability to reach the efficiency target.
Present this under the heading “Did you know the Government . . .” You may like to search for Environmental Protection Authority.
13. Identify and describe significant areas of improvement in resource usage (as described in the case study).
Present this under the heading “A Flinders Success Story” . . .
14. Compare actual usage to efficiency plan. After completing the plan, present it under the heading PTE: “Progress Towards Efficiency Targets”. Add a chart to your newsletter.
Action Actual Usage Target
15. Evaluate resource savings for the month, including cost savings for the Flinders administration team. Present this under the heading “Flinders this month have saved . . .” (reduce printing of all legal documents can create 15% or $2384 savings.)
16. Identify and describe (as reflected in the case study) a strategy that has had a significant impact on helping the administrative team reach efficiency targets. Present this under the heading “The Sustainable Work Practice of the Month . . ..”
17. Communicate to readers the importance of continuing to provide feedback about ways to improve work practices within the Flinders team, and describe a piece of feedback you have received from a staff. Present this under the heading . . . “Create a Suggestion Box”

TASK 2. Knowledge test
Answer the all the following short answer questions.
1. What is environmental sustainability?
2. What is an EPA?
3. Who should be involved in the development of an organisation’s sustainability policy?
4. Nominate one (1) strategy that an organisation could implement to address each of the following sustainability issues:
? Minimise resource usage
? Reduce the impact of resources on the environment
5. Recommend one (1) recording system for tracking continuous improvements in sustainability practices.
6. Recommend one (1) strategy to provide feedback to key personnel regarding the effectiveness of the implemented sustainability policy.

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Word Count: 3270 words including References

Title: Maintain business resources and Implement and Monitor Environmentally Sustainable Work Practices

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