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FNCE1125.1163.001.REG: Group Discussion 1 (ONLINE) - Microsoft Edge
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FNCE1125 - Introduction to Finance (2016/2017 Spring Term (1163)) (hardeepg -
Group Discussion 1 (ONLINE)
Group Discussion 1
What are the components of a financial plan? How have you implemented these components, if any, in your personal life? In this group discussion group, list the components of a financial plan and discuss how you have implemented theses components in your personal life.
Now go to the discussion forum. Share your too 3 goals, you may prioritize according to your understanding of chapter 1. Remember, your goals must be specific, measurable, timely and realistic.
Online Resources
The following website will help you prioritize your goals. In order for the calculator to work properly, reduce your goals to single word answers when entering them on the website.
Last modified: Tuesday, 5 May 2015, 12:22 AM
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4') US 2017-05-02 22
ENG 6:56 PM
FNCE1125.1163.001.REG: Group Discussion 2 (ONLINE) - Microsoft Edge
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FNCE1125 - Introduction to Finance (2016/2017 Spring Term (1163)) (hardeepg -
Group Discussion 2 (ONLINE)
Group Discussion 2
SMART goals are specific (S), measurable (M), action-oriented (A), realistic (R), and time bound (T).
On page 19 of your textbook, answer the questions for the mini-case on Smart Goal Planning. In your groups, comment and discuss the answers provided by other group members. Last modified: Tuesday, 5 May 2015, 12:32 AM
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1:3') US 2017-05-02 22
ENG 6:56 PM