Recent Question/Assignment

MIT665803 Management Accounting T3 2013
Assessment Task: 4. Assignment-Group
Release Date: Week 6
Due Date: Week 11 Wed 5:00pm
Weighting: 15%
Learning Outcomes Assessed: a-h

A. General Requirements for the Assignment:

i) Word limit: 2,000 words
ii) Group size: This assignment is to be completed in a group of 2 or 3 students.
iii) CASE STUDY: Please refer to the case study Chadwick Inc: The Balanced scorecard attached separately.
Based on material from Chapter 15: Strategy, Balanced Scorecard and Strategic Profitability Analysis Horngren, C.T., Datar, S. M., Foster, G., Rajan, M.V. and Ittner, C., Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, 2011, 1st Australian Edition, Sydney, Pearson Prentice-Hall.

B. Report Format:
Case study questions: Chadwick Inc: The Balanced scorecard
1. Discuss the concept of the balance score card (BSC)
2. Explain the benefits that Chadwick Inc, shall derive from implementing the balance score card concept
3. Advice the company of how to implement the balance score card and an appropriate timeline required.
4. Explain the challenges associated with implementing the balance Scorecard

C. Assignment Format and Corresponding Marks
1. Executive summary 2 marks
2. Introduction Question 1 5 marks
3. Discussion (Questions 2, 3, 4) 15 marks
4. Conclusion & Recommendation (Question 4) 5 marks
5. Reference list 3 marks
Total marks to be allocated 30 marks

D. Your report shall be assessed on the following criteria:
1. Introduction:
Your ability to write concisely and highlight the rationale, purpose and structure
2. Knowledge and understanding:
Ability to demonstrate in depth & expert knowledge and outstanding proficiency in application of relevant management accounting concepts and principles
3. Professional skills and application:
Professional use of a range of sources (books, journals, WWW, etc.)
Correct referencing using the recognized APA style
Professional use of a range of cost and management concepts
All key issues identified and use considerable evidence drawn upon to support arguments
4. Report writing issues:
Excellent professional presentation
5. Evaluation:
Excellent justification of decisions
Logical developed argument clearly supported by evidence
Comprehensive conclusions/recommendation
6. Research and references:
It is expected that students will use at least 4 journal references as well as a range of textbooks, on the various issues regarding transfer pricing when writing their report. Marks will be awarded on how effectively students incorporate their journal references into their report