Recent Question/Assignment

5.2 Assessment Detail
Title: Business Case
Type: Assignment - Problem Solving Assignment
Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1, 2, 3, 5, 8
Due Date:
3 Apr 17 09:00
Weight: 35%
Marked out of: 100
Task Description:
Development of a 1,500 word Business Case based on information provided within the course.
Criteria & Marking:
1. Incorporates relevant concepts and theories - Weighting 60%
Addresses the subject and the issues raised in the question
Demonstrates an appropriate level of understanding of the theoretical principles and concepts
Relevant principles and concepts are used with appropriate application to support argument.
2. Use of resources - Weighting 20%
Evidence of an appropriate level of research regarding the various concepts
Evidence of a range of relevant resources are used and integrated into the discussion.
3. Communication - Weighting 20%
Ideas are clearly articulated and coherently structured
The paper is presented in an acceptable academic format
The paper is structured logically and clearly with an appropriate conclusion.
Re-submission: Students who do not pass this assessment may resubmit their assignment within one week via the assignment portal on the course.
Submission: Written assignments are required to be uploaded into the SafeAssign system within the Learning@Griffith web site. Information on the use of the system is available in Learing@Griffith under Assignments. Please note that assignments will NOT be accepted by e-mail, hard copy or fax.
This assessment item:
? is a school based activity
? is an individual activity
? does not include a self assessment activity
? may be available for resubmission (see conditions outlined in Resubmission)