Recent Question/Assignment

Task 6 — Identifying risk and applying risk management processes
George and Mildred have become very concerned about the potential risks that could jeopardise CCF & MB’s business operations. They were very impressed with your growth and marketing plans for CCF & MB so they have now moved you into more of a general manager’s role with expanded responsibilities, including managing CCF & MB’s risk. As part of your new responsibilities you are required to develop a risk management plan.
In producing this plan you are required to:
1. Establish the context for CCF & MB’s risk management plan
2. List and explain the tools you will use in assessing the risks you identify
3. Identify the stakeholders you would consult in establishing context and the tools you would use in identifying CCF & MB’s risks
4. Identify at least two risks that CCF & MB could face for each of the six categories of business risk including strategic risks, compliance risks, financial risk, operational risks, market and environmental risks and reputational risks with an appropriate risk statement for each identified risk
5. Conduct a risk analysis and risk evaluation for the risks you have identified
6. Identify treatments for them
7. How you will monitor and review them in your risk management plan.
When you are defining the risk criteria you intend to use you are required to create your own risk matrix to address likelihood and consequence.
Document your risk treatment plan using a risk register.
You may make any assumptions in producing your plan but these should be documented either in the body of your plan or separately before you produce it.
Student response to Task 6
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