Recent Question/Assignment

ASSESSMENT 1 Due Week 5 20%of Final Grade
Workshop Question1
What are the arguments for and against using GDP as a macro economic indicator (measure) of economic well being?
350 words Maximum
Workshop Question2
Select a country that has experienced a recession in the past and explain what caused the recession and briefly describe its impact on that economy.
Your source for the information required should be the central bank of the country you select.
Please cite the source at the bottom of the page under references. Avoid direct quotation from the source and in-text citations are not required.
Workshop Question3
Free trade is beneficial to developing nations.
Critically analyse the above statement with reference to one specific developing nation.
Please answer each question in your own words.
The three questions above are from topics1-4 that may be explaining theory or applications of theory or critical reflections on theory. In each case, students will be required to develop a thesis statement and write 350 words for each question to defend their thesis. In total what you submit must not exceed 1050 words.
Students can collaborate as much as they like on the answers but the writing must be their own. Thus, the final version submitted in Week 5 cannot be identical with other group members.
Turnitin submission is required (see general submission requirements). However, as groups may have collaborated quite significantly, and this is encouraged, more leeway will be given on Turnitin similarity scores. The main criteria are that each student is expressing the ideas in their own words.
A hard copy containing the three (3), 350 word answers must be submitted during class in Week 5.
Turn it in will be accessible from ONE week before the due date.
You do not need a cover sheet to submit via turn it in: Your Assessment should contain only your student number and name.
The hard copy should have an attached coversheet. This should be handed in on the due date during the class or you need to make other arrangements with me.