Recent Question/Assignment

BC05501 Business Process Engineering
Assignment 2: BPM Review Essay
Assignment 2: Weighting: 25% (Individual assignment) Due: Turnitin 7th July 2016 Marked by: THE Unit Coordinator (Dr. S Ekambareshwar)
Moderated by: Melbourne Unit Coordinator Hardcopy due in tutorial
From the Proceedings of the 10th through 12th International Conference on Business Process Management (BPM) (weblinks are available on VU Collaborate), select and review one paper from one of these Proceedings. The paper you select must be directly relevant to business process engineering or business process management. You must identify at least 3 other relevant articles and use them to support your review.
Your response should be limited to 2000 words. Use 1.5 spacing with a 12 point Times New Roman font. Though your paper will largely be based on the chosen article, you must use other sources to support your discussion. Citation of sources is mandatory and must be in the Harvard style.
Many students fail this assignment because they do not know or use the basic skills required for writing a review essay. Help on how to write a review essay is available via the Victoria University Website. Another site with helpful ideas is at: .
Your review report must include:
• Title Page: The title of the assignment, the name of the paper you are reviewing and its authors, and your name and student ID.
• Introduction: A statement of the purpose for your essay and a brief outline of how you will discuss the selected article (one or two paragraphs). Make sure to identify the article being reviewed.
• Body: Describe the intention and content of the article. If it is a research report, discuss the research method (survey, case study, observation, experiment, or other method) and findings. Comment on problems or issues highlighted by the authors. Discuss the conclusions of the article and how they are relevant to Business Process Management. Comparing ideas in the article you are reviewing to other articles discussing related topics will add significant strength to your paper. Note that it is expected that there will be many citations referring to the paper you are reviewing.
• Conclusion: A summary of the points you have made in the body of the paper. These should match your stated purpose. The conclusion should not introduce any 'new' material that was not discussed in the body of the paper. (One or two paragraphs)
• References: (A list of sources used in your text. They should be listed alphabetically by (first) author's family name)
The footer must include your name, student ID, and page number.
The following links may assist in finding the required readings through the VU library ('Sprina.erLink' database):
BPM 2013;; LNCS Volume Number 8094
n Your assignment must be submitted via the Turnitin link provided on VU Collaborate as a single pdf file.
n The filename for your submission must be in the following format: 3999999Assn2.pdf where 3999999 is replaced your student number.
n A printed copy of the assignment with the signed assessment declaration is to be submitted to your lecturer.
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VICTORIA BC05501 Business Process Engineering
UNIVERSITY Assignment 2: BPM Review Essay
This form must be completed, signed, dated and attached to each assessment task that you submit for marking.
Plagiarism means using another person's intellectual output and presenting it (without appropriate acknowledgement of the author or
source as one's own.
Plagiarism constitutes academic misconduct. Where there are reasonable grounds for believing that this has occurred, disciplinary procedures as outlined in the Policy for Academic Honesty and Preventing Plagiarism will be instituted.
m I have read the policy on Academic Honesty and Preventing Plagiarism and the relevant referencing guides (or have had this explained to me by my teachers) and understand the consequences of committing academic misconduct as outlined in the policy.
m This assignment is my own work, I have not participated in collusion, nor have I previously submitted this or a version of it for assessment in any other Unit of Study at the University or any other institution without having obtained the approval of the teacher.
m I have taken proper and reasonable care to prevent this work from being copied by another student.
m So that the assessor can properly assess my work, I give this person permission to act according to University policy and practice to reproduce this work and provide a copy to another member of staff for the purpose of cross checking and moderation and to take steps to authenticate the assessment, including submitting a copy to a checking/detection system that in turn may retain a copy of this work on a database for future checking.
m I have carefully read the assessment criteria that will be used to evaluate my work as given below —
Paper has an identified purpose (5 marks) Mark
i) Identifies the paper under review (1)
ii) States the purpose of the student essay (2)
iii) Is refined and clearly stated (1)
iv) Provides an overview of the papers being discussed (1)
Body of paper has appropriate content (15 marks)
i) Contains appropriate material (2)
ii) Presents a well-structured discussion (2)
iii) Uses material from other authors (3)
iv) Summarises and discusses the content of the article(s) (4)
v) Identifies and discusses the article's conclusions (4)
References & Grammar (5 marks)
i) Citations are indicated correctly (Harvard) (2)
ii) Grammatical expression is satisfactory (3)
Turnitin adjustment (guideline only, each situation needs separate evaluation by the lecture!)
i) No significant matches (No reduction)
ii) Match score between 15 and 20 (-5 marks)
iii) Match score = 20 or significant unreferenced matches (- 10)
iv) Extreme cases of copying or paraphrasing other work may be given an overall mark of O.
Total Score 25
I certify that the statements I have attested to above have been made in good faith and are true and correct. I also certify that this is my work and that I have not plagiarized the work of others and not participated in collusion.
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