Recent Question/Assignment

In a small group of 2 or 3 people, select any product or service that has been replaced over time and is now no longer readily available in the marketplace. Using the Product Life Cycle concept as an organizing framework, demonstrate what happened to that product or service and why it ended in ‘elimination’. In your analysis, try to explain the role that this product played in the focal company’s product portfolio.
The report provides an opportunity for you to demonstrate that you understand the essence of the product life cycle concept and the use that is made of it in product management and strategy. You may not be able to find out why certain decisions have been made so relate them to the theory outlined in your text(s).
You are required to submit a short report on this Case Study (in no more than 750 words per person). This report is linked to the oral presentation referred to in Assessment task 2 above. The feedback you receive from that class can be incorporated (where appropriate) into the final version of the report which is to be submitted no longer than one week after the presentation.
Your Case Study should be written in ‘report style’ with a front cover, table of contents, identified sections, introduction and conclusion. Because of the small size of the report there is no need to include an Executive Summary. Line spacing should be 1.5 and your name should only be included on the front cover. Sources of information used should be cited in the usual manner.
The Case Study Report must be submitted no later than 6 pm one week after the Tutorial Presentation. Each group will therefore have a different submission date.
Criteria used in marking the Case Study Report are as follows:
• Evidence of appropriate research undertaken.
• Variety of print and other sources utilized (more marks for greater variety of sources).
• Evidence of independent thought and evaluation of material available.

• Clear statement of aim and purpose.
• Demonstrated understanding of the product life cycle concept and its use in product strategy and management.
• Description of the product/service and the way it moved through the life cycle.
• Major suppliers of related products/services and the extent of competition between them.
• The major factors that influenced the progression of the product/service through the life cycle.
• Quality of comparison made between scholarly literature and material gathered.