Recent Question/Assignment

For this assessment use a report format. (1500 words)
You will be required to:
Part A
i) Review and critique an Early Childhood inclusion policy
Locate an Early Childhood inclusion policy. This may be accomplished by using one from a service with their permission or by searching example policies on the internet. Critique all aspects of the policy, justifying aspects you see as positive and those that you feel need improvement. Support your statements with relevant research.
Part B
ii) Write your own inclusion policy
Using the example policy you have retrieved, and the information you have learned during your critique write your own inclusion policy. Ensure you include all steps in the policy format as outlined by your lecturer. The policy should reflect current research and understandings in the area of inclusion as well as relevant legislation. Reference appropriately.
( we need to make a statement of our own policy about 150 words)
I have attached the policy that I need to critique below please critique that one.
And the format of how to write the critique. the checklist for critiquing a policy please do it according to that.
in references please include the
1. the policy we are critiquing
2. NQS (National Quality Standard)
4. Code of Ethics
5. and most important 2 academic references like journals and articles.