Recent Question/Assignment

FIT 5010 Advance Internet Protocols and Applications

Research Paper and Presentation

The case study involves an in-depth investigation of an Internet technology and submitting a report (max. 8-10 pages, 1.5 line spacing) based on your research. Please make sure that the topic involves an in depth reading of at least 2 to 3 key research papers/RFCs (that are definitive of the area) and some additional reference material.

This assignment is a creative exercise in:
• Synthesizing a picture of an area, its relevance, structure and core ideas; and identifying what problems they are trying to solve and issues that need further exploration.
• Integrating the concepts learnt in class, with an in-depth focus of the selected area.
• Understanding the research and engineering issues in the selected area and a crisp, precise, and unambiguous articulation of state-of-the-art and research/engineering directions being investigated. Fluff or waffle will not get any marks. Suggested length is less than 10 pages.
• Reading key technical research papers, IETF RFCs and drafts.
• Making a creative attempt at any open research problems to suggest a solution or directions/approaches. Well articulated solution approaches/breakthroughs can get you higher marks.
• The study proposal should have:
o List of sub-topics to be covered
o List of papers, IETF working groups, RFCs you plan to read. This should include a -core set- of papers. Some initial papers are listed for each of the possible topic.
• The final case study write-up (of about 8-10 pages) should clearly specify:
o The scope of the problem you are studying - detail all the fundamental design issues/sub-problems involved.
o Solution approaches to each of these issues (in isolation).
o Solutions adopted in practice, if any.
o Conclusions stating the open issues involved, and possible solution directions.

Evaluation Criteria
• The depth/breadth of issues investigated (50%).
• Clarity of thought and presentation. Problem definition and scope before solution presentation (15%).
• Quality of critique of the state-of-the-art and insight in presenting open issues (15%).
• Well articulated solution approaches/breakthroughs can get more marks. Badly written reports or reports with more -fluff- than clear technical exposition will lose marks in the evaluation (20%).

• Written documents should be uploaded on to Moodle on Friday September 20, 2013. No extension will be given. Failure to submit the report will result in a Fail for this assessment.
• Upload the Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint at least one day before the presentation.
• Presentation starts from week 10. You time slot will be announced in week 8 tutorial class.
• Presentation time slot cannot be changed unless medically there is a reason to do so.